The Student Room Group

Solvent Abuse Can Kill Instantly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a can of bodyspray in front of me that says this on and around the words 'Solvent Abuse Can Kill Instantly' it has lightning bolts in a very menacing manner.

My question is can it? Really?

If I spray loads of the stuff into the lid and sniff if, is my life going to end suddenly and horrificly or not? Should I try it?
It can yes.
Yes, solvent abuse killed me, i speak from the dead.
Reply 3
it means don't use it to throw at someone from the top of the london eye cos it might kill
Reply 4
Fluent in Lies
It can yes.

But how? How can anything happen literally 'instantly'? I think it's false advertising.
lol, it killed me though
Reply 6
In shops when trying deodarants to see what they smell like I spray some into the lid then sniff - but thats not solvent abuse.
If you go OTT (over the top) frequently, then you'll probably pop your clogs or at the least, suffer from mental damage.
Reply 7
Depends which solvent? ...

Trust me, I'm a chemist...
Squirted into the mouth it is aborbed straight into the bloodstream where it travles to the brain and heart. Causing heart failure and asphyxiation.
Yes, solvent abuse killed me, i speak from the dead.

Sorry to say it but that wasnt exactly unpredictable
Reply 10
but surely it tastes like crap if your spraying directly into your mouth so you need something to take the fragrance away and leave the "gas"
i think it can only kill if you do it like loads everyday. I haven't died the amount of times i have although it hasnt been in years
It can kill you first time.
Reply 13
I've just come back of a drugs awareness course and yes, substance abuse can kill instantly.

750 - 1500 young people a year die from substance abuse in the UK apparently.

Aerosols in particular are dangerous. Aerosols are presurised containers and th temperture inside is extremely cold, often beow freezing... the cold of the gas is what attracts some people to this as it acts as an anaestetic but the gas can literally freeze glands and nerves at the back of your throat. By freezing the nerves around your neck and spinal cord, your head literally thinks it has fallen of the rest of the body and can lead to severe shock and death.

Some people get giddy, others get very jumpy and scared, and if you suspect someone has been using, don't jump up at them, approach them cautiously as not to scare them, because many deaths are results of heart attacks that some users experience as a result of a bad trip.

But lastly, why would anyone want to sniff? You get spots around your nose and mouth and your breath smells of chemicals... nasty.
Reply 14
i thought it was the nose approach that kills you. sniffing it while spraying it, its so close to the brain it kills you
im pretty sure its more the nose approach that kills you. sniffing it while spraying it, its so close to the brain it kills you

Well I am pretty sure otherwise. So I guess we'll have to duel.

*draws pistols*
Reply 16
yeah i am not so sure. just what i assumed having never been dumb enough to try and get high off a spraycan
Reply 17

Aerosols in particular are dangerous. Aerosols are presurised containers and th temperture inside is extremely cold, often beow freezing... the cold of the gas is what attracts some people to this as it acts as an anaestetic but the gas can literally freeze glands and nerves at the back of your throat. By freezing the nerves around your neck and spinal cord, your head literally thinks it has fallen of the rest of the body and can lead to severe shock and death.

just for future reference - aerosols are not kept at low temperatures, but at high pressures. When a substance is rapidly depressurised it decreases in temperature as the molecules spread (this being the same reason as temperature decreasing with increasing altitude).
Reply 18
just for future reference - aerosols are not kept at low temperatures, but at high pressures. When a substance is rapidly depressurised it decreases in temperature as the molecules spread (this being the same reason as temperature decreasing with increasing altitude).

Lol, well I know more about that then! Thankyou for correcting me lol, but it still explains what I was trying to get at, I think. :smile:
Reply 19
yea - my point doesn't invalidate what you said, just adds a lil bit of science to it :wink: