The Student Room Group

No experience

It seems like every guy I meet and really like lately have no experience with girls. Not that this is a major problem for me, but I am human and I've been single for nearly a year - if you get my meaning. Any guy I meet who seems to have a clue what they're doing turn out to be the human equivelent of turd and treat me just the same. There's a guy I quite like who I talk to online quite a bit, but he's just told me how he's never been in a relationship. Is it wrong that it slightly puts me off? I've not got a lot of experience myself (one long term relationship and a failed attempt at a sexbuddy thing).

I feel guilty for being put off.

Not really sure why I'm posting :s-smilie:
Why on *EARTH* should it matter :eek:??
Reply 2
Well you can't help it, but everyone has to start somewhere, heh.
Reply 3
It seems like every guy I meet and really like lately have no experience with girls. Not that this is a major problem for me, but I am human and I've been single for nearly a year - if you get my meaning. Any guy I meet who seems to have a clue what they're doing turn out to be the human equivelent of turd and treat me just the same. There's a guy I quite like who I talk to online quite a bit, but he's just told me how he's never been in a relationship. Is it wrong that it slightly puts me off? I've not got a lot of experience myself (one long term relationship and a failed attempt at a sexbuddy thing).

I feel guilty for being put off.

Not really sure why I'm posting :s-smilie:
I can understand why it would put you off abit, as you would probablly think going out with a inexperienced person means its going to be boring or fail before its got started.
By the way you didnt come up as Ano but nevermind :p:
Reply 4
I can understand why it would put you off abit, as you would probablly think going out with a inexperienced person means its going to be boring or fail before its got started.
By the way you didnt come up as Ano but nevermind :p:

It's not like "ew, omg, i'm, like, so not going there!" it's just that the last guy I was with had never done anything with a girl and I felt awkward trying to take the lead. Guess I just don't really want to do that again.
Reply 5
You're not exactly Jenna Jameson yourself...
Reply 6
It's not like "ew, omg, i'm, like, so not going there!" it's just that the last guy I was with had never done anything with a girl and I felt awkward trying to take the lead. Guess I just don't really want to do that again.

Thats what i mean, so its not wrong of you to be put off by it,
Reply 7
It's not like "ew, omg, i'm, like, so not going there!" it's just that the last guy I was with had never done anything with a girl and I felt awkward trying to take the lead. Guess I just don't really want to do that again.

Just show him what to do, he'll soon get it.
Reply 8
A little bit of insight. My most recent ex was also fairly clueless. We went out in a bit of a kiddie-relationship when we were 14 and since then he'd been with one of my good friends for the same kinda thing and then with a girl quite a lot younger than him - a minor at any rate - so obviously things hadn't gone that far wtih her. The long and short is that when we started going out again last year it was his first real relationship and in terms of having done stuff before he was literally clueless. So despite having damn shaky nerves, on new years when i was a little tipsy :p: I literally gave him a running commentary on what to do. Sure we had the odd problem - not least that neither of us really had a clue about sex itself so yeh that never happened cos stuff just kept going wrong! But in terms of just about everything else... best I ever had. Not least because he was keen to make up for not knowing if you see what I mean.
Reply 9
no you could turn him into your own personal sex god like on american pie!
Just show him what to do, he'll soon get it.

You say that yet its really not necessarily true. my last ex was completely inexperienced and i agree with the OP it is awkward taking the lead as a female. plus its awkward trying to tell them subtley what you like without embaressing them, and showing them doesnt always work as they have issues finding the right places, ahem if you know what i mean lol.

and i also agree with the whole turd thing, the only guy i ever got any truely enjoyable times with was a complete turd and treated me like poo :mad:
and i still cant get him off my mind :redface:
maybe they could use a map and instructions hehe :rolleyes: