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well just be glad its valentines day in a couple of weeks, that should make all us single people feel great about ourselves im sure :rolleyes: ahem.
Reply 2
valentines day should get over itself
Reply 3
well just be glad its valentines day in a couple of weeks, that should make all us single people feel great about ourselves im sure :rolleyes: ahem.

I don't WANT to be in a relationship, that's the point. If I wanted to I probably could be, but I'm just not interested. Valentines Day will be a time to spoil myself, and as such I intend to feel great!
Reply 4
Just remember. St Valentine died a really horrible death. Something to be happy about :wink:
Reply 5
whats it called when you have a heart attack during sex?
I'm not too bothered at the moment. If something pops up then fair enough, but i'm not out looking specifically.

Too much other stuff on at the moment.
Reply 7
whats it called when you have a heart attack during sex?


or lucky...?
whats it called when you have a heart attack during sex?

A literal passion killer?
whats it called when you have a heart attack during sex?

A ruthless orgasm.
Reply 10
Valentines day is placed really well, its just early enough in the year to make you think "what the hell do i do now?!" cus ur in the situation with somebody you met at xmas where ur getting there... but still getting to know eachother still. Adding more stress! Yay!... or is that jsut me?
Reply 11
Val Day effs me right off. WHERE IS SINGLETON'S DAY??? Huh???
Reply 12
Valentines day is placed really well, its just early enough in the year to make you think "what the hell do i do now?!" cus ur in the situation with somebody you met at xmas where ur getting there... but still getting to know eachother still. Adding more stress! Yay!... or is that jsut me?

Well, only if you met your other half at Christmas...

For me it's 6 days before our anniversary, and I really can't afford to do both "properly." I've spent too many V-days being bitterly single to really enjoy it now I'm the other way round though, because I'm all sympathetic to those forced to watch the commercialised mating ritual.
Reply 13
St Valentine died a really horrible death.
Actually to be fair his death (beheading) was no where near as bad as some of the other early Christians martyrs. I mean St. Paul was crucified upside down, St. Barabas was boiled alive in a cauldron and St. Ignatius of Antioch was eaten alive by lions.
I'd just like to say EUGH! RELATIONSHIPS!!!!

Eugh. This is the first time in ages I've been completely uninterested in having a relationship. Eugh, all the lovey dovey crap just gives me a headache at the moment.

Then just stay single then. Or if you do get lonely sometime on Valentine's day, then you could always spend with Irvine and the other wonderful people from FFVIII. :wink:
Reply 15
Then just stay single then. Or if you do get lonely sometime on Valentine's day, then you could always spend with Irvine and the other wonderful people from FFVIII. :wink:

Eugh, ladies men are why I'm so OFF relationships!!! Eugh! Why do people pursue relationships?

I mean, it's not like I'm saying I don't believe in love (only heartbroken people say that), but it's just so ICKY!!
Reply 16
A ruthless orgasm.

Nice one :wink:
Reply 17
whats it called when you have a heart attack during sex?

v-angina :p:
Eugh, ladies men are why I'm so OFF relationships!!! Eugh! Why do people pursue relationships?

I mean, it's not like I'm saying I don't believe in love (only heartbroken people say that), but it's just so ICKY!!

What's so icky about a relationship?
Reply 19
What's so icky about a relationship?

The icky "I love you" crap. Or too many hugs. Or gazing into each others eyes. Eugh, makes me sick just thinking about it.