The Student Room Group

a quick query....

hi, just a quick ponderance of mine. when i go out there are a few of the same guys i see around who i find really attractive, it would appear that they might be a lil bit interested in me cos we do the prolonged eye contact/flirtation stuff across the room and they brush past me when they dont really have to if you get my drift. im just wondering why they never seem to make a move, i dont have the confidence to just go and chat to a guy and they seem to be quite confident (if a bit arrogant) sort of blokes. any advice???
Maybe they just enjoy looking at a pretty girl and flirting? Or they're waiting for you to put the moves on them.

Does it ever get any further than glances and brushing up against each other?
i dont have the confidence to just go and chat to a guy and they seem to be quite confident (if a bit arrogant) sort of blokes. any advice???

Perhaps they are equally shy about making the first move :confused: I have a few friends who seem very confident (sometimes to the point of seeming arrogant) when they are out, but it's just a front. Try approaching them instead, if it's clear that they are interested...
Reply 3
and you'll never know until you try...! :biggrin: most lads i know will never make the first move... cowards i say!! lol... go flirt with them back!!
Reply 4
Well speaking as a guy who is very confident and outgoing with his mates, i really have trouble just going and talking to a girl. Maybe they are like me... I think it is because when you know how and what to talk to people about (like with friends, you know what to avoid etc) but with somebody new kinda worried about making an ass of yourself? Well, that's me anyway.

Being with your friends doensnt help btw, ill rarely approach a girl for the first time if she is surrounded by friends. Try to be more approachable? (You may already be, just an idea.)
Reply 5
I have a few friends who seem very confident (sometimes to the point of seeming arrogant) when they are out, but it's just a front. Try approaching them instead, if it's clear that they are interested...

Yup I''m the same...
Around my mates I appear to be very confident and loud, but I suck at approaching new people...
Reply 6
hi, just a quick ponderance of mine. when i go out there are a few of the same guys i see around who i find really attractive, it would appear that they might be a lil bit interested in me cos we do the prolonged eye contact/flirtation stuff across the room and they brush past me when they dont really have to if you get my drift. im just wondering why they never seem to make a move, i dont have the confidence to just go and chat to a guy and they seem to be quite confident (if a bit arrogant) sort of blokes. any advice???

How do you know if they are though?

They might be really shy and expect you to try and make the first move.
How do you know if they are though?

They might be really shy and expect you to try and make the first move.

Do you ever get the feeling that you are invisible? :p: