The Student Room Group
Reply 1
The 'normal' blood pressure values are 120/80 I believe, although as with most things there is a range which would be ok. The 120 is the systolic value for the blood pressure, and 80 is for the diastolic pressure. These just refer to the filling and emptying of the heart with blood. 152/91 would appear to be abit on the high side. Generally your systolic value wants to be below 130ish and diastolic wants to be below 85ish.

I wouldn't worry though as it obviously dropped quite abit, to 108/72 which is then on the low side. Alot of things can increase your blood pressure for a short period and then it drop again. If it was too high (or low) then the doctor would probably have talked to you about it.
Reply 2
do not woory. blood pressure may have of been due to pressure at school, or the anxiety you have of getting your blood pressure and the results. So don't panic.
you probably had white coat syndrome (your blood pressure rises because you are nervous about seeing the doctor) but your second reading is around the optimal category so dont worry about it
Reply 4
my blood pressure is always high :frown:

Reply 5
I had this happen to me the last time I went to the doctors. The first reading was abnormally high for no apparent reason, but the second and third ones (he took three just to be sure) were fine. It was probably a false reading and nothing to worry about, otherwise your doctor would have given you advice about how to lower it. :cool:
I have low blood pressure. Could explain why i'm such a chilled out humorous guy.

Try being more like me. Well, not too much cause then you'd have to get a sex change etc. Well, if you do decide to go down that route I hear you can get it done pretty cheap in Asia.

Failing the sex change option try and do some exercise. Not only is it a great stree reliver but it also lowers your blood pressure.
Reply 7
sorry if it came across that I was worried, i wasn't, its always high the first couple of times I get it taken because i get nervous about having it taken! then i relax and its fine. I was merely enquiring about what normal was, etc! Definitely no pressure at school, thanks - I'm 21! and my blood pressure is normal, it was just high the first time! and i do loads of exercise, but thanks for all the suggestions...
Reply 8
I've not had it measured for 2-4 years...
They did it when we started at uni for some reason. I don't know if having a hangover affects it but if it does they must have got a lot of weird readings considering they did it the morning after we'd had a night in the bar. Lot of slightly dead-looking people in the room, lol.
Reply 10
They did it when we started at uni for some reason. I don't know if having a hangover affects it but if it does they must have got a lot of weird readings considering they did it the morning after we'd had a night in the bar. Lot of slightly dead-looking people in the room, lol.

when registering with the new GP? standard thing to do... :smile:

or maybe an oxford specific thing as part of a covert study into the physiological effects of studying there & that was the baseline reading! :eek:
Reply 11
my mum had her blood pressure chcked and hers was like 100/76 which is like really low.the doctor said it was something to do with water retention or something.when i have mine checked its usually quite high at first because iv been rushing to get 2 the doctors on time so he always does 2 or 3 my dads bought a bp measuring machine from the pharmacy and he wont stop using it...becoming a bit obsessive.. :rolleyes:
when registering with the new GP? standard thing to do... :smile:

or maybe an oxford specific thing as part of a covert study into the physiological effects of studying there & that was the baseline reading! :eek:

Hmm, a scary thought, but since they've done nothing since I think they probably aren't...unless they've implanted microchips in us when we weren't looking (hhm, they'd have got measurements through the roof when we were takling classics mods!)

Think it was part of GP registration, though I only actually saw the GP across the room, also later in an 'information meeting' in which I kind of stopped paying attention, woke up halfway through her speech and got thoroughly confused because for some reason I thought she was the Senior Censor and couldn't work out why she was going on about the NHS and surgery hours (the censors are college academic and disciplinary officials...). So much for intelligent Oxford students, lol.
Reply 13
Had my blood pressure checked on monday and it was 107 over 85, I thuought that it was too low but the nurse said it was fine!!
About three years ago I registered with a new doctor and they found I had high blood pressure. I had to go through the hospital and stuff because I was only 16 when they found out. Everyone was panicking except me because I do not really understand all the numbers. Lol! But I think it's all down to white coat syndrome. I am a very tense/stressed person so I think its that. I don't believe there is anything to worry about.
my mum had her blood pressure chcked and hers was like 100/76 which is like really low.

Strange, mine was 96/74 and was told it was fine. It's normally around there, although the diastolic hovers around 60 most of the time.
Reply 16
Re the OP - it's white coat syndrome as michellehall said; quite common and that's why blood pressure's taken twice. Good to know you're not worried!
Reply 17
last time mine was 100/57 and the Doc didn't fuss... :confused: