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ahhh i know i've gone on about this before, but you lot are so understanding! Anyhow, I just spent the morning (we had it off for exams) with my exboyfriend... we just get along so well and its always so perfect and romantic and we tell each other almost everything. I don't know what to do... I KNOW he still feels it. He must. But... I don't know. maybe he doesn't. and i dont want to ask him, because it would scare him and he wouldnt want to be friends anymore because it would be awkward... and i wouldn't want him out of my life. But on the other hand, we're going to uni soon... not much time left. I don't know what to do, but its awful

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we're going to uni soon... not much time left

like you said youve not got much time left so just go for it, and tell him how you feel at least that way youl know one way or the other. the worst thing to do before going to uni is leaving things in the air between people you care about. i almost left for uni without telling some one special i cared about them, it turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. youve got at least 8 more months before you go to uni and a lot can happen in that time, think of all the fun you could have together. life is for living and not just thinking about things. good luck hun
Reply 2
Well why did you split up in the first place?
Reply 3
On the other hand:

*He is your ex for a reason

*You are going to uni soon, you WILL meet other lads there.

Think about it.
Reply 4
Well why did you split up in the first place?
we split up about a year ago because he wasnt over his exgirlfriend. :rolleyes:


worst thing to do before going to uni is leaving things in the air between people you care about.

problem is... i dont know if things are in the air. maybe we're just friends on his part, and i'd be ruining the friendship
problem is... i dont know if things are in the air. maybe we're just friends on his part, and i'd be ruining the friendship

hummm wel if thats the case youve solved you own problem and there would be no point in this thread.
Reply 6
hummm wel if thats the case youve solved you own problem and there would be no point in this thread.
yeah... i dont want to wait for him to make up his mind... but it is probably better that way... :confused:
Reply 7
Exs are evil
Exs are evil
Exs are evil
Exs are evil
Exs are evil
Exs are evil
Exs are evil
Exs are evil
Exs are evil

Break all contact or else you will just keep thinking about him
Reply 8
Exs are evil
Exs are evil
Exs are evil
Exs are evil
Exs are evil
Exs are evil
Exs are evil
Exs are evil
Exs are evil

Break all contact or else you will just keep thinking about him
:biggrin: i know i know... but i love him. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
love him. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

just tell him! (as you can probably tell im a live for the moment type of gal) ive seen too many of my friends be in the same situation as you have and theyve not done anything about it. whats the worst that can happen? he will say he doesnt feel the same BUT at least then you can begin to move on and stop reading into any signs hes giving. the best case senario he tell you he DOES feel the same....problem solved.
prehaps dont go and say that you love him, might scare him off but you could say that yove got feelings for him again and it would be nice if you could hang out together and see how it goes
Reply 10
just tell him! (as you can probably tell im a live for the moment type of gal) ive seen too many of my friends be in the same situation as you have and theyve not done anything about it. whats the worst that can happen? he will say he doesnt feel the same BUT at least then you can begin to move on and stop reading into any signs hes giving. the best case senario he tell you he DOES feel the same....problem solved.
prehaps dont go and say that you love him, might scare him off but you could say that yove got feelings for him again and it would be nice if you could hang out together and see how it goes
I admire your bravery! Do you think it would be wise to let him make the first move?
Reply 11
you either tell him, and the worse thing he says is he doesnt feel the same and decides that he cant be friends with you any more
or you dont tell him, remain friends and then u'll probably get over him at uni and perhaps hardly see him again
i agree with Bharj exes are evil! but at the end of the day dnt live with any regrets if u really love hiim tell him otherwise maybe your're just gonna live your life thinking what if?
Do you think it would be wise to let him make the first move?

it depends on what sort of guy he is. if hes preety shy then its probably not going to happen for a could tell him how you feel and then let him make the next move both physically and emotionaly.
Reply 13
:biggrin: i know i know... but i love him. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Just break all contact for awhile and you wont :rolleyes:
pinch his left buttock
Reply 15
true words
Reply 16
pinch his left buttock
er.... why? :p:


it depends on what sort of guy he is. if hes preety shy then its probably not going to happen for a could tell him how you feel and then let him make the next move both physically and emotionaly.
he's not shy... but he's... i dont know... aloof, maybe. distant.
he's not shy... but he's... i dont know... aloof, maybe. distant

arh the male species....tricky 1.
just do what your instincts tell you to do.
Reply 18
arh the male species....tricky 1.
just do what your instincts tell you to do.
why would i be posting if i had good instincts?? :p:
Reply 19
You can't gain anything without risk.