The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I haven't but my friend had some. They really worked. She usually has quite red eyes but after the drops the whites of her eyes were actually white for once.
Reply 2
i havent but i've been thinking about it
i got some amaaaazing ones in japan that made your eyes go super cold (stung like hell for the first few seconds, but what a wicked wake up).

I bought some of those brightening blue eye drops here, they take away any redness. but i do miss that menthol punch in the face.
I used some for a while which worked ok but after a few hours they went a little red. The reason I stopped using them is because someone told me they can cause blindness. That scared me!
Reply 5
I wouldn't mess with the eyes.
yeh they are good but i read you shouldn't use them too much as your eyes can get used to them and the blood vessels need them to look normal.
Reply 7
Yes it's a nice easy way to get blind.
I only use them if i wake up with eyes so red and swollen i look like i'm recovering from extensive facial surgery... but then do work.