The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I'd be quite interested if anyone has been through this second round of selections successfully too. I've applied to one institution but now might want to go to another (if I have the TC) is it likely they'll let me - it'd be London BBP I'd be wanting to go to.
Reply 2
I called up Northumbria after I missed the application deadline. They gave me a place informally and just had me send off the lawcabs form.
Reply 3
That's good to hear, thanks!
Reply 4
I think it differs at each of my friends did not apply in the first round and then had to visit one of the lpc tutors every day for a week to beg them to let them on the course! Im sure youll be fine though, i guess it depends on the number of places at each institution etc though
Reply 5
Definitely! Get on it now, all the city firms are filling up fast!
Look on for TC searches, and is quite good too- look at their student guide- you can get hard copies too, and also the TC Handbook is useful. They all give you loads of advice and are really useful.
I wouldn't have thought there was a problem with getting a place on the LPC, especially as you've applied to some of the smaller places- I think it's only BPP, College of Law, Nottingham that have real competition for places (eg Nottingham has 900 applicants for 220 spots on their GDL- I can't see that being the same everywhere!)
Reply 6
Pretty Boy
Thanks for takin the time 2 reply, I will rep you all!

I applied to Cardiff first. College of Law second and Northumbria third. Maybe I should phone Cardiff, what you think?

And I don't have a training contract. Is now the time to be applying for jobs?

Let me know, thanks.

I don't want to worry you, but I was told at the Cardiff Open Day that pretty much all their offers go to people who put it down as their 1st choice and apply on time. I guess you never know, as if lots of people turn down their places, there might be more spaces by March.