Hey ya'll,
Started seeing this girl in the same hall, ie a few corridoors away, and it has been great for like the first week. Being able to see her everyday, and pretty much all day but it does feel that even after a week and a bit that we are closer than we should be, obviously because we are spending so much more time together than any other traditional relationship.
But, things have started to go pretty bad. Well not bad but complicated and really serious really quickly. It feels as if we have been going out for a month or so and facing the traditional 'after honeymoon' phase and started bickering over pathetic small things. I am trying to give her space with her friends and i want space with mine but it is so hard, and like seeing eachother around the hall can be tad awkward. I also feel that because she is only a mins walk away that i never get the chance to 'miss' her as if i do i can always see her.
Anyways, a few of my friends are together in the same hall but were seeing each other before. Yes they fight quite a lot but have been going out for a long time so they kind of get over it. Since me and this girl have based our relationship on being in the same halls i don't think it will last through this volatile initial few weeks.
Do you guys think it is possible to start a long term relationship living only a few corridoors away from each other?