The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Heeey nicolo!

College applied to: Newnham
Course: Economics
Conditions: AAAa
Deferred entry? nope
Nationality: Mixed indian/english
Where are you living right now: London
A few details about yourself: Wellll Im Nicole, live in west london, lurve swimming, dancing, playin pooool, shopppiiin... n js hvin a few pints dwn tha pub wif ma m8zzz...luk 4ward ta meetin u all at cam nxt yr!!! mwaaah xx
Reply 2
heey Nicole :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: glad u made it too
how did u celebrate when u heard?
Reply 3
i went out + had champagne, but i haven't really had the chance to celebrate properly due to horrid coursework .. gnnn :mad:
Hey all!!!!

Great idea for a thread Nicolo...

College applied to: King's - pooled to Fitz : )
Course: SPS
Conditions: A, A 6 (the latter IB history)
Deferred entry? wanted, told no so 2006 entry!
Nationality: Half English half Irish
Where are you living right now: Cambridgeshire
A few details about yourself:

I'm a really friendly, chatty and passionate person....i'm always smiling and looking for something fun to do to keep my friends happy! I love singing, going dancing, going for coffee, pubbing it, debating, going for cocktails and humous (weird mix but fantastic at ta bouche in camb) punting, going to the cinema (so many films i wanna see at the moment) travelling, meeting new people and volunteering...think that's me more or less... looking forward to late night room get-togethers at Cam!!

How did i celebrate - ummm, couldn't stop smiling - parents and brother bought me champagne then made a toast - then got down to my work again lol...oo and my dad bought me a fitz scarf (a bit premature i know, but the inaugrination had to start sometime lol)

-------------- female and my name is Alicia (forgot to add this *blush* )
Reply 5
hmmm humous *runs to kitchen*
heehee....exactly - one of the best munch foods available - for every occassion with absolutely anything...(that sounded a bit like Bridget Jones - when her mother is on t.v selling jewellery) Argh!


So what you guys looking forward to most?
Reply 7
-x- Lici
that sounded a bit like Bridget Jones - when her mother is on t.v selling jewellery


So what you guys looking forward to most?

The clubbing :biggrin:
motion to have a meet out sometime when we get there
Totaly!! TSR night on the town - has a ring to it lol!!! Depending on what night we go and what music we want i can suggest some cool places to hit...but come on, london clubbing must be way superior to camb clubbing!!
Reply 9
-x- Lici
Totaly!! TSR night on the town - has a ring to it lol!!! Depending on what night we go and what music we want i can suggest some cool places to hit...but come on, london clubbing must be way superior to camb clubbing!!

what better way to find out?
Lol....i promise you it will be but ah well - i still like it! Why don't we all post pictures of ourselves so we know what everyone looks like - make it part of the things u say when u first join... - that way we will recognise each other well fast! or not... lol!

Dancing is great tho so long as u go with the right people on the right night


what u guys doing the months before camb starts? travellling? chilling? partying?
Reply 11
well since im taking a gap year, i'll prob spend 8 months doing work experience in Japan as well as learning the language (for now i know "Arigato!" and its from Kill Bill, so good luck nicolo...)then 4 in the Alps Skiing, and possibly finishing the course to become a ski instructor :biggrin:
Reply 12
oh dear .. i left the meat cooking.. there goes my lunch :rolleyes: i'm gonna head outside for a sandwich.. c u soon every1
College applied to: Sidney Sussex
Course: MML (French and ab-initio Spanish)
Conditions: AAA in French, English and either history or sociology
Deferred entry?: No
Nationality: British (specifically English)
Where are you living right now?: Essex
A few details about yourself: I'm Kelly, my interests include hanging out with friends, listening to music, watching TV and reading and I hope to meet all of you at Cambridge!
How did you celebrate when you found out?: Actually I didn't really do anything special, just had a huge grin on my face for the rest of the day!
What will you do in the months before Cambridge?: No idea, probably just spend loads of time with my family and my best mate before we go off to different unis and I miss them all like mad :frown:
Reply 14
College applied to:s-smilie:t Catz
Course: Medicine!
Deferred entry? Nop, 2006 entry
Nationality: British, but I'm actually Chinese ethnicity. Shandong and Hebei province, to be precise. That means I'm not a shorty.
Where are you living right now: ... Cambridge.. yeah, I live about 10 minutes away from the college I got into. It's quite sad really..
A few details about yourself: I'm really obsessive. Once I get interested in something, there's really no stopping me. My major obsessions have been: Gargoyles, Beetleborgs, Roswell Conspiracies, martial arts movies, Tamora Pierce books, Terry Goodkind books, Detective Conan anime, Anne Rice books, Pokemon!, X-Men!!!, Orlando Bloom, Mars manga (and TV series--specifically main character Chen Ling).... erm, I think those are the major ones covered. I've had some minor obsessions too--like with Cleopatra and Chinese history. I suppose watching tennis counts as a sorta-obsession too. My current obsessions are with reading romance novels and history--specifically the Georgians, Regency and Victorian.

You may have deduced that I like reading from the above list. I also know lots of really random facts from the variety of obsessions that I've had. Like... the names of the patronesses of Almack's in 1812 or so. But then, any self-respecting regency romance reader would know those!

Oh yeah, I'm also obsessed with FOOD. I love eating.

eta: I also love cooking, but I experiment a bit too much!
College applied to: Christ's
Course: bio natsci
Conditions: AAAA
Deferred entry: no
Nationality: British (English)
Where are you now: Lancashire
A few details about yourself: I like history a lot (Napoleonic wars to second world war particularly) and reading (historic novels, classics, Terry Pratchett and anything sciency like Steve Jones' books). I'm not a very loud person but can be quite chatty when with people I know!
Great idea!

College applied to: Sidney Sussex
Course: Medicine
Conditions: AA in AH Biology and Chemistry, B in AH Maths, A in Higher Physics
Deferred entry?: No
Nationality: British (Scottish, some Irish in there as well!)
Where are you living right now?: Glasgow
A few details about yourself: Well I'm Laura, I'm 18 and dying to get away and start uni! I'm pretty chatty, don't take myself too seriously and always up for a laugh/bit of banter and meeting new people. Bit of a medicine/biology geek (it rocks) and have an unhealthy addiction to medical tv shows (the good ones, none of this 999 with Michael Burke nonsense, although the reconstructions can be good for a laugh :wink:) and caffeinated drinks. Argh I hate these open-ended questions! They always sound like a personal ad!
How did you celebrate when you found out?: Burst into tears down the phone to the poor woman that told me I had an offer, and then got covered in champagne :biggrin:
What will you do in the months before Cambridge?: Not sure yet, probably go on holiday with the rentals and probably with my friends as well ... spend a few sleepless nights worrying about my exam results!
Reply 17
Hey everyone, congrats to you all for getting an offer!

College :Robinson
Course:BIo Natsci
Conditions:tongue:ost A-level so none
Nationality: British
Where are you living right now: Manchester
A few details about yourself: Well currently Im working but im headed to India, Madagascar, LA and then Moscow from April!! SOOOOO excited!! I adore meeting new ppl so look forward to getting to know all of you!!!
College applied to: Pembroke
Course: Medicine
Conditions: AAA(A that I already have and doesn't count)
Deferred entry? No, 2006. Hopefully a Summer of Fun beforehand, but no gap year
Nationality: British
Where are you living right now: Oxford :redface:
A few details about yourself: My name's Hannah - I'm 17, and loving it. I am very into sport, especially hockey (which I play up to 10 hours a week), running and triathlon (silly endurance sport much loved by Lycra fetishists.) I also like reading (Kate Atkinson, stuff that makes me cry), watching a bit of crappy TV (Lost), cooking (vegetarian), coaching under-16 hockey (badly but enthusiastically) and going out (underagedly.) :biggrin:

I go to a slightly scary and competitive all-girls' school and am doing A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths and History. This weekend I am supposed to be doing the plan for my mock chemistry practical, and reading a Very Boring Book for my history coursework. I don't think either thing is going to happen.

I've lived in Oxford all my life, and already know how to punt. :cool:
Reply 19
College applied to: Peterhouse
Course: Maths
Conditions: AA12
Deferred entry? Nope
Nationality: Scottish/British
Where are you living right now: Lake District
A few details about yourself: Well, I'm 5'11", dark brown hair, hazel eyes ... - or are those the wrong kind of details? :wink: I'm quite into my maths, and maintain an interest in a few other areas - philosophy and various bits of science for the most part. I've been a readaholic all my life, but have occasionally been known to socialise when the mood takes me. Favourite beer - Schwarze Berliner Kindl. Favourite spirit - Glenmorangie Scotch Whisky. Favourite Wine - Zindanfel Rose.