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Reply 1020
you know best to have a bristol insurance lol
Reply 1021
Yes, as you applied and were successful. Out of interest, why are you not accepting?

I applied at Churchill for Computer Science.

It was a tough choice refusing, but I weighed up the pros and cons and I thought York gave the better option.

At Cambridge, I'd only spend 50% of the first year doing CS. 25% would be in Physics or Geology. I thought that was a little odd.
Cambridge also don't offer a sandwich year which I am very keen on.
I also wasn't too keen on the atmosphere of Churchill when I visited, I think campus appealed more.

So I figured I'd turn down the great industry contacts, the amazing facilities in a beautiful, world class academic city in favour for York; equally high rated course, campus, much nice accomodation buildings, sandwich year etc.

I am sad I won't be going to Cambridge, the atmosphere and style of the town really appealled, but at the end of the day, the whole package (not to mention the killer offer :p:) didn't seem right. Let's hope I made the right decision!
King Leigh
Do I count as a "successful cambridge applicant" even if I'm not accepting?

yepp, you do, as long as cam said yes :smile:
Replied as soon as I got my Cam offer.

what i'm trying to do, too bad warwick still hasnt replied... drivin me insaaaane :motz:
Still got a few to reply, just want to see what they say. Im not putting down an insurance so just thought id save the places i do get for a lucky person in clearing!
Reply 1025
all my offers aside from cambridge had come in by late november lol
Reply 1026
I passed my driving test today!! :biggrin:
Reply 1027
I passed my driving test today!! :biggrin:


i got my offer from heriot watt today, that's all of them now, spose i'll just mosey on down to ucas...
Well done!!! I've been driving for 3 weeks - so fun!

I still havent heard from UCL, warwick or Durham!
I still haven't heard from Warwick either, they've got no excuse for making me wait so long! grrr
I passed my driving test today!! :biggrin:

Year its great, i passed about a month ago, for the first few weeks i took it easy, ie over cautious, but now its so much fun!!:biggrin:
Reply 1031
I've got my second test on Tuesday... :afraid:
I failed for the third time yesterday. You'd think if i could get through a cambridge interview nerves wouldn't be an issue for a driving test, but there you go.
I failed for the third time yesterday. You'd think if i could get through a cambridge interview nerves wouldn't be an issue for a driving test, but there you go.

:frown: alot of people fail a couple of times before passing.
:frown: alot of people fail a couple of times before passing.

Yes, but most of them have something they can work on and improve, whereas I keep messing up on different things each time. No matter - as my mum pointed it out, when failing your driving test repeatedly is just about the worst thing thats ever happened to you, you know things can't be bad.
Yes, but most of them have something they can work on and improve, whereas I keep messing up on different things each time. No matter - as my mum pointed it out, when failing your driving test repeatedly is just about the worst thing thats ever happened to you, you know things can't be bad.

Lol, for a minute there I thought you might be a friend of mine until I saw the 'Scotland' flag. She's a lovely person, super-intelligent, has an EE offer for History at Christ's and is all in all the happiest person I know. If you ask her if she'd change anything in her life, the only thing she can come up with is to pass her driving test. She's on her 5th attempt or something now.
Thought I'd fill this in and be sociable instead of merely lurking.

College applied to: Downing
Course: English
Conditions: AAB with A in English (but I've already got my grades.)
Deferred entry? Ja. Applied for 2005. No idea why but they gave me a gap year. Been good fun though!
Nationality: UK
Where are you living right now: Roma!
A few details about yourself:

I hate theese kinda things. They remind of bloody personal statements.

Erm, well, I'm Anna. I'm 19 (ok, ok, I'm 19 in 45 minutes.. :biggrin:). Currently on my gap year doing a whole load of things... I worked in a toy shop for a while and did marketing at a theatre.
Currently, i'm in Italy, supposedly working as an au pair.
But, things can never be straightforward for me... :P The mother has fallen ill and gone into hospital and their house needs to be completed by incompetent Italian builders, so I'm sort of stuck.
Working in voluntary office at the mo and I'm living in a shared flat with some French people. My Italian is still rubbish but my French has improved enormously! I'm in the middle of sorting out a my plan... Hopefully, things will get back on track soon!

Hmm.. what else can I say?
Well, theatre is my 'thing'. I love it in a big way. But more so the backstage stuff. Directing, stage managing etc.. Hopefully, I'll get involved at Cam!

I like music, as I think everyone does. And art. And literature (of course! That probably should have come first on my list, shouldn't it? Ah well..) And I dance.

Can i just ask the people that got AAB offers, WHY?:eek: HOW??

This is why I love dear old Downing. :smile:
Lol, for a minute there I thought you might be a friend of mine until I saw the 'Scotland' flag. She's a lovely person, super-intelligent, has an EE offer for History at Christ's and is all in all the happiest person I know. If you ask her if she'd change anything in her life, the only thing she can come up with is to pass her driving test. She's on her 5th attempt or something now.

What about the 'male' symbol!? :wink:

I think I'd rather have an EE offer than pass my driving test. And I'd also rather make my own offer than pass my driving test. Its not that important.

I suppose there are other things I would change though. Wouldn't mind being fabulously good looking. Or at least better at casual conversation.

EDIT - ah, Pembroke. You'll be at the same college as a friend of mine, if he gets in. And just across the road from me if I do.
The one time I got behind the wheel of a car in an isolated parking area, my mum kept on giving me the wrong instructions, or saying push down only to later say that 'push down' was supposed to mean 'lift up' ...i also nearly reversed into a small wall.
my only driving attempt was on a deserted road near my family's house in Brittany - I managed okay, eventually, but it took a while. And the audience of cows and French farmers was rather off putting.