The Student Room Group

Bad man (/rant)

My mom has a group of friends who all have kids my brother's age, and they all do things together constantly (we have had sleepovers for the 10+ kids at my house for the past two weekends, hosted dinners for the parents and my brother's friends AND their siblings, etc. etc.)

One of the parents is a divorced man, who is pretty good looking (for an old guy), tall, and English. I've been noticing recently the way he acts around my mom - and I don't like it! My dad doesn't like him either, but I suspect that that's more of a class reason - this guy is "posh" and obnoxious, and my dad's all about the working class, London roots. My dad's at work right now, and this guy is downstairs RIGHT NOW, hitting on my mom! Grrrr ....

OK, thanks for letting me rant. There's probably not a whole lot I can do, is there?
Go down and bottle him, and tell him that if he ever comes near you or your family again, you're going to rip off his balls, fry them in garlic, and feed them too him...

Or, the slightly more sensible way, just go downstairs and get in the way of any flirting! Talk to your mum about it, and express your concerns. Can you really see your mum running off with this guy?
Maybe you should talk to your mum about it? Assuming your mother is aware of it, you could subtly hint that he's slightly out of line and that she could perhaps dicuss it with him...
Reply 3
Well, I've tried talking to her about it subtly, but I was a little to subtle, I guess. I'll try again. It's awkward though!

Whatev, he's left now. But I'm all for "bottling" him next time.
Hmm. Well if subtly doesn't do it, you have to tell it to her straight I guess...
Reply 5
My mom has a group of friends who all have kids my brother's age, and they all do things together constantly (we have had sleepovers for the 10+ kids at my house for the past two weekends, hosted dinners for the parents and my brother's friends AND their siblings, etc. etc.)

One of the parents is a divorced man, who is pretty good looking (for an old guy), tall, and English. I've been noticing recently the way he acts around my mom - and I don't like it! My dad doesn't like him either, but I suspect that that's more of a class reason - this guy is "posh" and obnoxious, and my dad's all about the working class, London roots. My dad's at work right now, and this guy is downstairs RIGHT NOW, hitting on my mom! Grrrr ....

OK, thanks for letting me rant. There's probably not a whole lot I can do, is there?

That's F[_]CKED UP
Catch him off guard go downstairs and start outrageously flirting with him, with any luck it will scare him off.
Reply 7
Catch him off guard go downstairs and start outrageously flirting with him, with any luck it will scare him off.

It's a good idea, but ewww. He creeps me out SO MUCH, I can't handle being in the same room with him.
I did it with a guy i hate and i even knew he was gay (not that he was flirting with my mum) and it worked.