I was just the same when I was working evenings. Get home from work,watch some tv, eat, have a look on the net and at my emails, before you know it, it's 7am, bedtime, then sleep til about 2pm. then it got really bad when I was going to bed at 6/7am, then being wide awake again at 8 or 9am ish. I was having about 2 hours sleep a night and whatever I tried, couldn't sleep. I started a full time job starting at 7am every morning, working 7-4, going from working p/t to f/t really took it out of me, and the early mornings made me tired at night, so sleeping patterns went back to normal. Recently, however, I've gone back to only having a few hours a night sleep. I can goto bed at 9, but can't sleep, just lie there for hours. Whatever I try, music, tv, long baths, milky drinks, breathing exercises, lying in the pitch black deadly quiet-nothing gets me off, and then it's up again at 5.45 to get ready for work. I'm like a human vegetable, I'm so tired but I can't sleep.