Hello everyone!
I discovered these forums a few days ago and have so far found them an invaluable source of 'insider' information. It can all be pretty daunting when you're my age (16) and you're faced with so much to do and think about for the next few years.
I'm currently at Sixth Form, studying History, Economics, Eng Lit, Eng Lang, and Critical Thinking. As you can probably tell, I'm really hoping to study Law at Uni. (GCSEs - 2A*s, 8As, 1B)
I'm looking at Oxbridge (optimistic?), then the London Unis (UCL/KCL/LSE), and possibly others like Bristol/Nottingham.
I'd like to know a few things:
1) When do I sit the LNAT? Also, where can I get sample questions for this?
2) My college told me that Critical Thinking is 'liked' by the top Unis, how true is this?
3) Will I need 4 A2s as well as my 5ASs, or will 3 A2s be sufficient.
Also, will those A2s need to be straight As for the aforementioned Unis.
4) Will the Unis above require some hefty extra-curricular input from me in my time at sixth form?
If anyone can help me out with any of this I'd be most thankful.