I have problems with the way I look. Obviously most people have features they dislike, etc, but I think with me the problem is partly psychological as well, because I let the problems affect my life and the way I feel about myself more than I should. I set different standards for myself than I would for other people - e.g. I'm a size 8-10 so am not exactly huge, but although I see people miniskirts and stuff who are more like size 14's, I think they look really nice whereas I'd be too paranoid to wear something like that cos I'd feel really fat. If I get those bumps some people get behind the arms, I refuse to wear any short sleeved tops without overtops - I also get paranoid about my arms being fat - again I see people with much 'worse' arms but don't think they look that bad. I have a paranoia about summer, firstly because you can't wear black tights so I won't wear anything other than full length skirts or jeans and secondly because I hate my nose, which is too wide and has large pores - I just hate the way the sun highlights your flaws. A lot of my friends think I'm nuts because they say they'd love to be my size (sometimes they think I have body dysmorphia) and I just over-emphasise flaws that other people don't really notice, but it drives me crazy, and worryingly I've even missed days of school or nights out just because I feel really bad about the way I look on that day.