The Student Room Group

LPC after Cambridge Law Degree

Hi, just a quick question regarding the Legal Practice Course. Much to my horror I have realised Cambridge don't do the LPC or guarantee places for a course like Durham do with the College of Law.

Therefore I am interested in hearing from people about how easy/hard is it to apply for the LPC course for Cambridge Law students and which institution most go with and where.

As it stands, because of the hell I went through with UCAS applications I don't want to repeat this later on and would have preferred having something guaranteed at the end of the course.

Reply 1
A Cambridge law graduate with a 2.1 will have no problem getting on to an LPC place; of my fellow law students in my year I do not know of any who applied that failed to get on to an LPC.

As for which LPC course you take it will depend on which firm offers you a training contract- some have preferences for particular providers.

Ah a Girtonian lawyer- you'll like it there.
Reply 2
Thanks, that's just what I needed to hear from someone, I appreciate it.

Yes Girton looked good when I was there for the interview but the distance.....

Thanks again
Reply 3
Almost any other university in the country and you would kill to live as close as girton is to the centre, if not in your first year almost certainly after that
Reply 4
I take your point, but the other offer I had with Van Mildert, it is a mile away, and there are like Cambridge a lot of colleges right in the centre of the city which are much closer than the 2-3 miles Girton is.

I have no problem with the college or transport arrangements to get into the city, but compared to now with school which is only 10 minutes away it will be a completely different experience.
Reply 5
I'm sure you won't have any difficulty in securing a place on an LPC course if you get a good class degree (at least 2.1).

This may be useful for more information about the LPC. I have heard that BPP is one of the favourite course providers, especially among MC firms.
Reply 6

As it stands, because of the hell I went through with UCAS applications I don't want to repeat this later on and would have preferred having something guaranteed at the end of the course.

I'm afraid to say I hear that it gets much much worse! If you are going to aim to become a lawyer you have to expect a lot of competition. Unfortunately solicitors' firms nd barristers chambers aren't all centralised admissions like UCAS, I'm expecting a lot more forms! Have you done much research online?

We have it easy with UCAS- you should see the US application forms :eek:

All the same, don't worry about getting an LPC place - you are going to have a law degree from Cambridge after all, as long as it's not a 3rd you will be fine.