The Student Room Group

The Perfect Penis - Did anyone watch this last night, Ch4?




Did anyone here watch this last night!? I watched it for the sheer fun of it :rolleyes: ...blokes who want bigger penises. But this one bloke...

:eek: HE HAD ELEPHANT BALLS!!!! :eek: He'd had silicone injected in his penis and testicles to make them bigger...they were huge, so big he can't have penetrative sex! It was hideous, they looked like two melons!

Was it just me that watched it then? It's part of Channel 4's series of documentaries about size: does it matter. I don't know what the topic is tonight though :confused:
I thought it was a bad documentary to be honest...

the stories were too mixed up, which made it hard to follow.

some interesting points about enlargement though, and the reason people consider it
I think it was rubbish in terms of being serious. I know a lot of people may feel insecure and so wish to have it enlarged, but I think that including the elephant man at the end really lowered the tone...he just took it TOO far!
Reply 3
OMG! That elephant man guy was huuuuge. Rep for anyone who can get a screenshot of was just worth seeing again for hilarity sake.
It was just wrong!!!

I don't understand how being injected with silicone to that size can overrule the fact that he can never have sex again! There's only so much silicone you can inject :p:
Reply 5
:smile: I diddnt see it and from what ive heard its another pure excuse for a tv program. what will they think of next? 'The man who wanted bigger eye balls'?
Tonight's episode is the man who had his penis chopped off :p: The theme for the week is Penis Envy Week!

It really is an excuse for a bunch of programmes, but they are funny! I just couldn;t get over how big elephant man's balls were! They seriously were unbelievable. It would have been worth watching it just for that!!! :p:
:smile: I diddnt see it and from what ive heard its another pure excuse for a tv program. what will they think of next? 'The man who wanted bigger eye balls'?

to be fair: penis issues are common with us men, and are the subject of many websites, spam e-mails etc...

so it is quite an interesting topic to do a documentary on.

its similar to womans obsession with breast enlargement really, though as penises are covered up more they have a more "mystery" element about them, and men rairly talk in public about them.

the documentary itself was badly made though.