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Reply 1
Mine was over a year ago, but as far as I can remember it was much less than five weeks -- in fact, I'd say it took less than two weeks to arrive.
Reply 2
i sent my form off two days before i cud get it (3month before 17) so i sent it 23rd August and it was on my doormat by the time i got abck from amsterdam on 1st september in time for school lol so thats what 9days lol
Reply 3
Cheers guys, that sounds more like what i was expecting. hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.
Reply 4
i sent mine off during a free period at school on a fri, and on the following thurs it arrived

so i was lucky
Reply 5
It takes 2 - 3 weeks
Reply 6
i have sent off mine last week, du think it will come within the next week and a half?
Reply 7
i have sent off mine last week, du think it will come within the next week and a half?

That will mean two and a half weeks yeah? So it should do, depending on whether there's anything wrong with your application/postal strikes.
Reply 8
thanks I know there is a postal strike in london, but I live in hertfordshire, so I don't think it will need to go through london to get to swansea dunnno though.
Reply 9
I hope mine comes trhough soon i mean lol
Reply 10
Mine took 2 weeks.
Reply 11
ahh thats alright lets hope mine takes that long too or sooner
Reply 12
mine took about a week
surprisingly quick actually
it should come in that time :smile:
Reply 13
nice, another question my passport expires 13th oct, can i still use it this weekend to get into clubs? i mean it's still going to be valid!
Reply 14
nice, another question my passport expires 13th oct, can i still use it this weekend to get into clubs? i mean it's still going to be valid!

Yup you can this weekend
I used my expired passport to get in places, I still looked like the picture so it wasn't too big of a deal just can't rely on it
Reply 15
ahh good well i am glad for this weekend and hopefully my provisional shall come sooon!!!
Reply 16
my provisional came through today!
Reply 17
i have sent my provisional off and a week and a half later got my forms bk saying i missed a question so i resent it the same day it came through the post, when do you think it should be here i sent it bk off last thursday... any day?
Reply 18
Think mine took a week, and when I passed my test I passed on the 19th of March, and by the 23rd I had my proper licence.

They aren't too bad, to be honest. 5 Weeks sounds like they had a problem with his application.
Reply 19
My provisional license came through in less than a week. It was my second one though. I think the first may have taken 2 weeks or so