The Student Room Group
Reply 1
what di you get??
Reply 2
i myself got 15, yet i am not that bothered. when you think of the calibre of the people taking the lnat exam and for the universities they have applied for i am damn proud i was so close to average in an exam where i got my timing so bad i guessed the last few questions. oh well i have offers from my firm and insurance so i dont care in the slightest (cardiff)
Reply 3
Hey im not sure if the lnat is too important as i only got slightly above the average with a score of 19.
predicted AAA
and AS scores: AAAB
and got an offer from Kings a few weeks ago!! maybe as this is their first year of trialing it they wont be too harsh! good luck to everyone else with their applications!
Reply 4
I got 18. I have AABCC at AS alevel, predicted AAAA at A2, and pretty average gcse's. Yet i still got offered a place in the first batch of offers. I dont know how they are handing out offers but it seems pretty random to me.
Reply 5
Seeing as this is the first year that KCL has requested its applicants to do the LNAT, I don't think they place as much an emphasis on it as other LNAT universities do. I received an AAB offer on the 3rd of December from KCL - my LNAT scores weren't that great. Having said that, I think that they're more lenient with my application as I am an international student and English isn't my first language.
Reply 6
Gosh hope this is true after my LNAT disaster... I'm an international student so we'll see
Reply 7
Gosh hope this is true after my LNAT disaster... I'm an international student so we'll see

Just so you know, there is much more to an application than an LNAT score. If your application meets the majority of KCL's criteria for law applicants, then you stand a chance. Good luck :smile:
Reply 8
i agree with e11even, your lnat score is just one factor thats taken into consideration. Ultimately, KCL will make a decision based on your ENTIRE application so don't fret if your lnat score is not as good as you hoped, as long as your predicted grades, reference and PS are what Kings are looking for (im assuming they are otherwise you wouldn't be applying to Kings) then you should get an offer.
Reply 9
wow, thanks for the great answers; I got only 14 points, so I paniked a bit :biggrin: but I think you mist be right!
i hope they dont take it too much into consideration for my sake!! I emailed them asking how much importance they put on it so ill tell you their reply when they answer! good luck everyone though x
Reply 11
well, that is really nice, alexandra010588, though it might disappoint me...
my lnat score bombed ad i got a place :p:
me thinks here's a very good reason for not giving out the scores 'til later on - peaple just PANIC :eek:
Reply 13
^ what did you get?
17 :rolleyes:
AND i got an offer from Nottingham today, and they use lnat, so my lil 17 couldn't have been too important (or too bad...)
Reply 16
congrats! what were your gcse/as grades?
god im never going to get a kcl offer, my lnat sucked big time and they're taking ages to bloody answer!!