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Advance higher modern studies dissertation

hi guys,

I am currently starting my dissertation my title is:

"Social deprivation and crime are inextricably linked."

Hypothesis: Social deprivation is the main cause of youth crime

Aims: To examine the extent in which social deprivation is linked to youth crime
To examine other causes of youth crime

Can anyone help me in how to start this disseration because im really struggling.

Reply 1
im struggling with my dissertation aswell :/ it's so difficult and i'm thinking of dropping the subject as a whole but i cant.
Reply 2
I did AH modies last year and got 38/45 for my dissertation. It was on comarative politics of the uk and US. PM me if you want to have a look at it.
Reply 3
Changed my question now from causes of crime to prisons so much easier! Think iv finally got it haha :smile:
Reply 4
I'm doing prisons too! "There is no effective alternative to prisons" I've just started by working through my first aims and doing some primary/secondary research. Just start googling!
Reply 5
I'm doing my dissertation at the moment too on the effectiveness of prison and it isn't really going too well, I need to find theorists to talk about but so far found none I would really want to include

and if anyone could help me out by filling in my survey I would be really grateful :

Thank you
Reply 6
I am currently doing my advanced higher dissertation on 'criminals are born that way' struggling to think of aims and a hypothesis
Reply 7
I have my dissertation aims and hypothesis all typed up and handed in to my teacher, although i am now re-considering whether it would be easier to use the hypothesis/title of "There are no effective alternatives to prison" rather than the one i have already which is "Working class people are more likely to commit crime". Is it too late to completely change ideas? The reason i am thinking of changing is because i am struggling to find books etc regarding social classes and crime and maybe it will be easier to use primary and secondary research for the alternatives to prison title. Help?

I have the exact same title as yourself and don't have a clue either. Apparently the introductions are meant to be huge?

Reply 9
Original post by dylanfagan1998

I have the exact same title as yourself and don't have a clue either. Apparently the introductions are meant to be huge?


Remember to look at the dates of previous posts before replying to old threads. :smile:
I am currently studying the new Advanced Higher Modern Studies course and am struggling with the introduction and conclusion for my dissertation. My hypothesis is; The Criminal Justice System fails to meet the mental health needs of criminals.

My three aims are;
~To evaluate the effectiveness of the mental health services in prisons in dealing with the root cause of prisoners criminality.
~To investigate whether prisoners with mental health needs are discriminated against in the justice system.
~To analyse the impact alternative punishments have in dealing with criminals with mental health issues in comparison to prison.

I am really struggling with the introduction and conclusion and I would really appreciate any help or tips any of you could give me for this.

Thank You.
im doing AH mods this year and im struggling to think of democracy dissertation topics - what kind of things did you look at in yours?