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does anyone suffer from hyperhidrosis- (excssive sweating)

does anyone suffer from hyperhydrosis? (excessive sweating)

cos i have suffered from it, (under my arms) for years now and has recently become worse, [to the extent where i have to change my clothes at least twice a day! :frown: just cos my clothes are so wet.] i have tried Driclor and that just burnt my underarms. on the otherhand, i dont particularly want to go thro with an operation, cos i really dont fancy it since part of their procedure is to collaspe one of ya lungs at a time!!

so i was just wondering wether there was anyone who does have or knows anyone who suffers from it and how they solved it or made their everyday life more bearable?

thanks :smile:
I get it with my hands (if it's the same thing, sounds like it, but my memory's not that great with long words). It's very annoying, and I try to not shake hands or touch anybody whenever possible. I've had it for years, but have been on medication so I couldn't take anything to stop it. I'm going to see my doctor about it in a few days.

Sorry, no advice exactly. Try going back to your doctor and explaining? They might have something else you could try.
Yeah i've suffered from palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis all my life really.. but i'ts stopped to some extent with iontophoresis treatment which is mainly for hands and feet but the nurse had told me they were developing something for the underarms as well. Apart from driclor I don't know what to suggest really. You should apply it at night and dry it with a hairdrier or something, the trick is not to use too much.
The one thing I strongly suggest though is DO NOT have the sympathectomy operation! Patients nearly always have some side effects to it worse than their origional condition!
Reply 3
i have had it for many years on my hands and feet, its so annoying, its affects my social life so badly. i am using different medications t try and cure it. i just purchased an iontophoresis machine, i am going to use it and see if it works.

try these sites, they are very useful for hyperhydrosis, and helped me:
I recently purchased an iontophoresis machine which seems to be very effective. If water doesn't work you can get a solution like glycopilate which will dry you skin out.. i believe.
I don't have it, but I've heard that if you suffer from this problem you can get botox injections in your underarms to reduce the level of sweating?
I think I have suffered from it for quite a few years but I've never been to see anyone about it, I tend to just put up with things and didnt really think there was anything that could be done. Underarms is getting better now but I can still get quite sweaty and it's not pleasant. I have tried driclor and it sometimes helped but it started to irritate my skin and so i stopped using it. I also get quite sweaty around my crotch and ass area which I find more embarrassing, does anyone else experience this or is it just me!?!? Also, I don't really know how much one should normally sweat as I have always sweated too much I think, it's not something I fancy talking to my friends about.
Reply 7
Yes I do. I suffer from palmer and planter hyperhidrosis (quite severe)... tried botox on hands but very very painfull and not effective. I am going to try iontophoresis but at the moment I use a topical cream called dehydral bought online from a canada...

It really is a problem, what is worse is that i'm a medic!, so imagine those situations. I do tend to drink a lot when I go out as it completely stops it for many hours...
Reply 8
I used to suffer excessively on my hands, although i had the operation, a quick 20 min procedure and all is fine now. Yes is summer my pits will still sweat like before but thats mangeable given my hands are totally dry making social situations less awkward. I would recommend it.
Iontophoresis worked at first with me but its effectiveness decreased over time thus the operation was the only alternative. Similarly driclor had no effect on me whatsoever, plus it smells bad.