The boring bit: theres a guy I really like, I've known him for a while, and we're kind of unofficially going out now, unofficial in that we havent even kissed yet or anything.
But now, we've started discussing having sex. (I've never had sex before, btw) I reeally like him, I feel comfortable around him, and I can trust him. Theres a chance that we may do it in half term (Valentines Day? lol!), infact, I've basically promised him that we will.
But I dont know whether this is an entirely good idea. I dont want him to just get what he wants right away and then bugger off again. While I feel happy about it now, I dont want to regret it afterwards. And when I look at it objectively, it seems like a reeeally tarty thing to do.
Oh crap this sounds quite pathetic. I know its my decision, blah blah, I guess I'm just looking for some opinions. Will he think more/less of me? Might I regret it? Is it waaaay too rushed? Argharghargharghagrhag.
Thanks, and sorry. (I normally hate these threads!)