The Student Room Group

embarrasing situation?

I know this sounds similar to other threads but basically I used to go to karate training but have not been since last August, I want to go but the thing is the longer I leave it the harder it is:confused: It doesn't help that ive made them all think im a weirdo (been going since I was 12) and I get real embarrased cause they are all outgoing people though the same age and im the total opposite so im a bit of a geek. They all sort of get on well and know each others families personally so Im the odd one out. Is this normal or is there something wrong with me?
Is what normal?
Reply 2
Is what normal?

Being embarrased at the above.
Being embarrassed about going to karate? Dunno, depends how good you are at it.
Reply 4
I understand what you mean about going back to something when you havn't been for awhile and as you say, it gets harder the longer you leave it!
If you want to go back then you need to bite the bullet and go back one night - try telling a parent or friend that you are going and then get them to remind you and 'make' you go, knowing that someone else is expecting you to go might make you get on with going.
I don't understand about why going since you were 12 would make them think you are a weirdo! I don't know if you could or not, but you could try going to a different place and starting afresh with new people at somewhere different.
I don't think its strange that you are embarrassed, but you need to decided what you want to do and then stick to it!! Hope you sort it out!! :smile:
Yes, it is normal, well i was like it. Until i stopped being embaressed by the people at Karate and started talking to them and now they know im a wierdo, they dont juist think it, but because i know them i really enjoy it more.
Reply 6
I understand what you mean about going back to something when you havn't been for awhile and as you say, it gets harder the longer you leave it!
If you want to go back then you need to bite the bullet and go back one night - try telling a parent or friend that you are going and then get them to remind you and 'make' you go, knowing that someone else is expecting you to go might make you get on with going.
I don't understand about why going since you were 12 would make them think you are a weirdo! I don't know if you could or not, but you could try going to a different place and starting afresh with new people at somewhere different.
I don't think its strange that you are embarrassed, but you need to decided what you want to do and then stick to it!! Hope you sort it out!! :smile:

They don't think im a weirdo cause ive been going since 12 I think its because I don't tend to mix well with them they are really confident and ignore me unless im alone with them, some are ok though.
Reply 7
sorry - misunderstood that bit!
Not everbody mixes well with other people, but it doesn't mean you are weird. The ones that you say are ok - maybe you could try spending more time with them, if you go back go up to some of them that are nicer and ask them how they are - you've not seen them for ages - ask what they have been doing etc. Try and make an effort to talk to some of them and you will probably find that some of them will then make an effort back.
Reply 8
Lemme tell you....
when i used to be in High School, i was so good up until 10th grade and than i hardly went to school, you could say i never went to school, got left back who knows how many times but still, i would show up like once a month or maybe twice the most...than when i was supposed to be in 12th grade( but was in like 10th) i went to school and signed myself out, which means i dropped out and still today i go to visit school...see my old teachers and friends without being ashamed...

what i m trying to say is, who cares? just go there and do you, as long as you're happy and doing what you gotta do, who gives a dang about what others think about you.