The Student Room Group

aRGH! Guys

last week I got very slightly drunk and told my friend I liked him - he reciprocated and we ended up spending the night together (no sex though, i would like to add.) We both felt a bit awkward after, and talking online we said that as neither of us are looking for anything serious, just having fun :wink: would be the best option. We spoke again later that day, and both said we'd reconsidered and that it wasn't such a good idea afterall, and we'd just stay as friends.

We talk online pretty much everyday, and if not, we're texting. He's a lovely guy, but this is the problem:

Last night I went out, and met a really nice guy, and spent hours dancing and kissing on the dance floor. My friend saw us, and, according to my best mate who saw him, he looked mightly peeved. Now I feel really guilty as I think his feelings might be more than he's showing, or he might have thought there was still a chance for something.

What do I do about my friend?? I can't keep feeling guilty if I meet someone.
Reply 1
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Reply 2
lolz... i had the same kind of problem a while back, basically what i did was talk things through with my friend and basically said i didnt wanna risk our friendship over something that might not work out... it turned out that he did want to be more than friends but was just saying that he didnt because thats what i wanted...

just talk to him, things will work out!!

you have to know for certain that you dont want him cos you can't mess around with your friends feelings

Reply 3
Tell him you found someone better?

Thats how it normaly works