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Reply 1
I have heard Liverpool is very good for equine but every Vet school must teach the same basic equine stuff.
We have only just started equine stuff on the first year course in Glasgow and so far it has been very good. The equine lecturers are probably some of the best out of who we have had to date and the Weipers Equine centre is pretty amazing, it’s internationally renowned :biggrin:
Horses had never really interested me before, but since coming here my interest has grown and I could very well see me possibly going into equine practice now.
Reply 2
Like Hawk said al the vet schools have to teach the same things. The rvc also has very good equine medicine facilities ie the sefton equine hospital which you will have seen if you watched supervets. It is one of the leading equine medical facilities in the country and often treats racehorses and other valuble equines and pioneers treatment such as stem cell therapy (which i think maybe shown on supervets tonight). But all the vetschools will have good equine facilities.
Reply 3
Teaching arguably similar accross the board, Liverpool has the best equine unit in that we're the home of Derek Knottenbelt and Barrie Edwards and are the hospital that most vets refer to, so are probably the busiest. Second is thought of as being Cambridge. We have students that have worked at London too but all prefer equine at Liverpool cos its the best bit of being a vet stud there even if you're not horsey.

It is even the responsibility of the students to provide all of the night and weekend cover for the hospital, doing four nightly checks and scrubbing in on emergency surgery so as you can imagine, there's truly amazing hands on experience, and we see some real excitement!!
Reply 4
Teaching arguably similar accross the board, Liverpool has the best equine unit in that we're the home of Derek Knottenbelt and Barrie Edwards and are the hospital that most vets refer to, so are probably the busiest. Second is thought of as being Cambridge. We have students that have worked at London too but all prefer equine at Liverpool cos its the best bit of being a vet stud there even if you're not horsey.

It is even the responsibility of the students to provide all of the night and weekend cover for the hospital, doing four nightly checks and scrubbing in on emergency surgery so as you can imagine, there's truly amazing hands on experience, and we see some real excitement!!

:eek: Is it true Prof and Derek Knottenbelt are retiring?? Thats what I heard, and they are like... vet gods!!!
Reply 5
Prof is retired supposedly but comes in nearly every day to do surgery- just for fun!!

Knotty isn't going anywhere- his lectures are amazing!!
Reply 6
yeh thats grand....i understand all the vet school cover the same material but some just have reputations for excellence in certain areas...its no slight against your vet school!!

just on the grapevine word seems to be that cambridge for example is very theory based, liverpools speciality is equine and small group learning, edinburgh great facilities etc....but your all biased !

any objective opinions:confused:
Reply 7
I have an old school classmate in each english vet school and talking to them all the vet schools are subtly different as you say, and i think you've got it in a nutshell really, i'd only add London- you get to be on telly he he, prestigious but not great atmosphere, bristol is the fashionable one, cambs is prestigious but book based and Liverpool's a great craic and manure hot on equine but until new buildings in 2007, looks a bit shabby and is, well, in Liverpool!
Reply 8
Yeah I totally agree, each vet school has to teach the same basic stuff but they will put more resources into certain areas depending on their interests. At the end of the day, no matter which area your particular vet school leans towards, you can still go into any after graduation, at least I hope so.

We'll take over the small animal area when we get our new £10M hospital in 2008 :biggrin:
Reply 9
Yeah I agree with everything you said apart from the lack of atmosphere at the RVC, I don't know what other students think but I think the atmospheres great, there's always something going on and our RAG week is going to be incredible a different party for 7 nights plus the infamous beerienteering! But I think that whichever vetschool you go to you will have an amazing time and be convinced that your vetscool is the best but there really isn't a lot of difference between them.
Reply 10
Prof is retired supposedly but comes in nearly every day to do surgery- just for fun!!

Knotty isn't going anywhere- his lectures are amazing!!

ooo good, he was so funny when I saw him at Leahurst!! :biggrin:
Reply 11
We've already got 2 huge ones. one of which is being extended and is one of the top referal hospitals in the country!:p:
Reply 12
But they didn't make a TV show about Liverpool did they! :wink:
Reply 13
Actually- they asked us but we declined- stardom would mean that we couldn't be the humble, real vets that god intended!
Reply 14
:eek: are you trying to say we're not humble!!!!:eek:
Reply 15
facilities are in theory great at London in that we had an all singing all dancing equine hospital built just a couple of years ago. Unfortunatly teaching in the clinical years is dodgy across the board and we have very few equine patients. For evidence of the problems that London face, you only need to look at the staff. Our heads of equine surgery and medecine are both leaving/left this year as is the head of the specialist foal unit (for Liverpool I believe). essentially we have the facilities but no staff to teach!
Reply 16
thanks supervet...this helps so much in finding which university is best suited to you....they are all fantastic obviously as they each have incredible stats and individual reputations in certain are you on the program!!?

thanks for your help
Reply 17
indeed I am, for my sins Im a 4th year
indeed I am, for my sins Im a 4th year

That's were a final year only a couple of weeks ago...:rolleyes:
Reply 19
That's were a final year only a couple of weeks ago...:rolleyes:

im a final year and Im afraid my opinions are not a minority amongst the final year students.

indeed I am, for my sins Im a 4th year

emm seems he/she can't quite make their mind up, why do you find it neccessary to pretend you are a vet student?!