I get this sometimes, and its horrible. green tea is great. try and eat 3 healthy meals a day, porridge is a good one in the morning, and veg stir frys are good, and nice as well, you can buy them ready made in tesco for around £2. or try eating 6 smaller meals a day, as youre eating more often, but youre not eating loads. i dont know if you live with your parents, but i find when i go home i put on weight, as my mum buys biscuits and stuff, so i always choose them over fruit. buy when im at uni, i dont buy them, i buy fruit instead, and having a fruit salad is a lot better than having a chocolate bar or something. if you binge in the evenings, try eating dinner later on, and find things to fill up your time, i find when i have nothing to do i tend to eat. the good choice (from iceland) and weight watchers ready meals are low cal, but i dont think theyre actually that good for you, and they fill you up, but not for long, which is a shame. when you go to town, only take the amount of money you need, dont take any extra, then you wont spend it on food.
If youre unhappy, then this is probably why you are binge eating, i dont know why youre unhappy, and its not really any of business, but if you can get to the route of that problem, then im sure the binge eating will stop.