The Student Room Group

How can I stop appetite?

I am not happy at the moment and started eating soo much (although I am actually not hungry. )
Im doing a lot of sport but because I am just eating too much I sometimes dont feel like moving. It is terrible and I really try to stop myself from bingeing, but it is not working....
Ah, any help?????

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If you are doing a lot of sport your body needs the energy to be replaced. Just drink more and eat less bloating things. Also eat little and often.
Reply 2
If your not hungry, then you also have to be careful of comfort eating (God Do i know about that..) You should make sure you have a good diet to support all your sport and so your getting enough energy and stay away from the badder foods. Also more water as sometimes when we feel hungry, it is often just us dehydrated!
To stop my appetite I eat.

Failing that drink lots of water.
Reply 4
If your not hungry, then you also have to be careful of comfort eating (God Do i know about that..) You should make sure you have a good diet to support all your sport and so your getting enough energy and stay away from the badder foods. Also more water as sometimes when we feel hungry, it is often just us dehydrated!

Yeah. It is mainly comfort eating. Any substitutes? I try to drink 3 litres of water a day, and on most days I get through that.
It is not even that I am having a bad diet (and Im not bingeing on "unhealthy" stuff) but I eat sooo much.
Reply 5
Smoke? :p:

To supress your appetite drink lots of water as our brains often confuse hunger with thirst, however you said you weren't actually hungry but just eat for the sake of it. This is due to boredom so get out of the house, anywhere away from food, or occupy yourself to take your mind off it. :biggrin:
Reply 6
Smoke? :p:

But then again thats gonna kill you anyway. I think that as long as what your eating is healthy and that its not bad for you, your not putting on additonal unhealthy weight etc then maybe there is nothing wrong with it, just eating to subsidise your extra sports.
Reply 7
Try eating healthy and filling foods, such as pulses or legumes. As long as you are eating healthily (ie. 5 fruit and veg, 6g salt, etc) and doing at least 30mins of exercise a day, there is no need to worry what you eat. It's when you're binging on junk food and not exercising that you have a problem!
Reply 8
i dont get how it can be an appetite problem if your "not hungry".

and, not trying to sound harsh, but you cant stop yourself from eating when your not hungry, seriously have you got no willpower whatsoever?
try porridge, its very filling, you wont want to have another bite to eat for ages.
Reply 10
i dont get how it can be an appetite problem if your "not hungry".

and, not trying to sound harsh, but you cant stop yourself from eating when your not hungry, seriously have you got no willpower whatsoever?

I somehow think that was the point of her topic was to ask for advice on how to gain willpower to stop over-eating?
Get your stomach stapled.

i dont get how it can be an appetite problem if your "not hungry".

and, not trying to sound harsh, but you cant stop yourself from eating when your not hungry, seriously have you got no willpower whatsoever?

ye, that was a little harsh! Lots of people comfort boredom eat! Talking down to them isnt gonna help matters!

I would say, try and keep unhealthy foods out of the cupboard and get some fruit bought into the cupboard or even better, onto your desk!
Also, if you're female make sure you have a chocolate bar a day, its very important! Its all about serotonin (sp?) levels. Eating chocolate really does help you to lose weight! little and often is also really good advice, especially if you're eating bad things. coz it keeps your metabolism ticking over the whole time, so you build up less fat reserves etc etc.

On that note, i have a cadbury caramel egg somewhere....
Reply 13
I binge too sometimes, green tea really does curb my appetite though. Also something with a lot of protein and low in carbs keeps you feeling fuller for longer.
ye, try bloating foods, like dry bread. rather than moreish food like ice cream
Whenever you feel the need to eat something (when you're not hungry that is) go do something else that'll make it impossible to eat at the same time and it'll take your mind of food. If possible try to make it a habit that you eat only when you're hungry.

Hopefully that's been of some use :smile:
Reply 17
I get this sometimes, and its horrible. green tea is great. try and eat 3 healthy meals a day, porridge is a good one in the morning, and veg stir frys are good, and nice as well, you can buy them ready made in tesco for around £2. or try eating 6 smaller meals a day, as youre eating more often, but youre not eating loads. i dont know if you live with your parents, but i find when i go home i put on weight, as my mum buys biscuits and stuff, so i always choose them over fruit. buy when im at uni, i dont buy them, i buy fruit instead, and having a fruit salad is a lot better than having a chocolate bar or something. if you binge in the evenings, try eating dinner later on, and find things to fill up your time, i find when i have nothing to do i tend to eat. the good choice (from iceland) and weight watchers ready meals are low cal, but i dont think theyre actually that good for you, and they fill you up, but not for long, which is a shame. when you go to town, only take the amount of money you need, dont take any extra, then you wont spend it on food.
If youre unhappy, then this is probably why you are binge eating, i dont know why youre unhappy, and its not really any of business, but if you can get to the route of that problem, then im sure the binge eating will stop.
Drink Tea. Seriously, i used to binge eat and whenever you feel the need to binge have a cup of tea or if you want to be 'bad' have a cappuchino or something like that.
Reply 19
i suppose that you are bingeing snacks,cakes and suchs or unhealthy food. either you can try to switch whatever junk food that you are eating with something healthier, (that way the feeling of eating will still be there but what you eat will be better for you) like fruit and vegetables, or don't have temptations at home. btw since you exrecise a lot maybe your body needs it? i don't know what you are bingeing as i said before, if it is carrot sticks or something like that, it isn't bad.