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How to put on weight?

I've been told by various people that I'm too skinny- I don't think I am really- I'm 5'10 and weigh 9 stone, but I guess my shoulders and top chest area's a bit thin- how do I put more weight on around here? Should I just eat more food? Or should I do some kind of work out? I dunno- I don't want to get too thin- but I have a really good diet and eat lots already, perhaps the excercise I do speeds up metabolism unnecessarily? I dunno...any ideas?:confused:

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Reply 1
I'm pretty similar body wise...and yeah people say I'm a skinny bastard too...
Weight doesn't seem to make a difference, I'm 5'8 and 10 stone and people still call me skinny.
Reply 3
What you need is bulk in the form of muscle mass. Start a resistance training workout - there are many threads on how to do this on TSR and many forums that on the net that will give you far better answers. Combine this with a high protein diet. I've been doing this myself since June and it is paying off. Still have a long way to go though.
Reply 4's the only way....:p:
Reply 5
I've been told by various people that I'm too skinny- I don't think I am really- I'm 5'10 and weigh 9 stone, but I guess my shoulders and top chest area's a bit thin- how do I put more weight on around here? Should I just eat more food? Or should I do some kind of work out? I dunno- I don't want to get too thin- but I have a really good diet and eat lots already, perhaps the excercise I do speeds up metabolism unnecessarily? I dunno...any ideas?:confused:

If you're really dedicated, try a proper bulking diet that should give you a good idea of what to do, the if you're looking to gain more muscle, browse muscletalk. Hope this is what you're looking for.
Reply 6

That is a particularly good website for individual exercises. However, don't think of doing 'just shoulders' etc., as you will end up inbalanced which both looks bad and isn't healthy. Make sure you are doing exercises for each part of your body in roughly equal amounts.

Something like this will give you proper advice
I hope you know your terms for that exrx link, very technical list!
Reply 8

That is a particularly good website for individual exercises. However, don't think of doing 'just shoulders' etc., as you will end up inbalanced which both looks bad and isn't healthy. Make sure you are doing exercises for each part of your body in roughly equal amounts.

Something like this will give you proper advice

Yeah, going on from what john said, you should go for a 3 or 5 day split where you're working out each muscle type the same amount, what you musn't do though is over do it, goes without saying.
Reply 9

I find a better site for learning excercises, and it makes the science of it all just that bit easier to understand, the video demonstrations are good and is quite an appealing site.
Reply 10
Eat loads of high fat, high calorie foods like nuts, chocolate, etc. Try to eat more then 3000 calories a day. I read that you need to eat 3500 more calories a week you will gain a pound. Oh a good thing that you could probably do is work out the amount of calories you burn off a day just to do normal functions (breathing, absorbing food, digestion, etc). To do this, work out your weight in Kilograms and multiply that by 26.

For example I'm 9 stone and for me it is 57.2kg x 26 = 1487.2 calories to run my body if I stayed still and didn't do anything all day.

From this you can work out exactly how many more calories you need. I think for men the recomended intake is 2500 but you'll have to eat more then that to gain weight.

Use this site to do conversions: -

Hope this is useful.
you need to combine doing weights and eating a bit more protein especially to help build muscle mass. Pasta with a Pile of cheese might be a bit cheaper than dominos lol
Reply 13
Im 6ft and weigh 9 1/2 stone but no matter what i eat i just dont put weight at all.
You need to eat loads like everyday for a month Loads as in to the point of sleeping
Reply 15
Pretty Boy
Ok, what you what to do is put weight on without putting fat on.

People store fat when their blood sugar is put up too high.

So what you want to do is, drink 40ml of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Skimmed or semi-skimmed Milk twice a day.

You'll put weight on no problem.

is that a joke?
Reply 16
Pretty Boy
How can it be a joke. Look, again, I have studied this extensively, in depth and for many years.

Carbohydrate = Sugar
If you eat high gl/gi carbohyrates your body goes into fat storage mode.

Whereas if you eat RAW fat such as ev-olive oil your blood sugar stays the same thus directly feeding your muscles and body.

Leaving you with a sufficient number of calories for puttin on weight without the blood sugar rise.

Milk has got carbohydrate but the GI is only 32 (i.e. very low) thus the fat storage will be minimal.

I would suggest you retract your comment before you come out with any more uneducated 'part time' comments.

its just stating the obvious. milk has got carbohydrate? well done! which means fat storage will be minimal? uh ok..

olive oil isn't 'raw fat' either by the way. and blood sugar staying the same (which it wouldn't) = food feeding your 'muscles and body'? as opposed to what?
Reply 17
What you must not do is to get these extra calories from high sugar, high fat foods like biscuits, sweets, chocolates, cream, butter and breakfast fry ups. They’ll make you gain weight but probably give you a heart attack at the same time.

Now for the healthy way to gain weight. The healthiest calories come from complex carbohydrates like wholemeal bread, oats, potatoes, pasta, rice and beans. But these are very bulky and there is a limit to how much you can eat at one time. Do make sure that they contribute at least half your food. Get extra calories from bananas, nuts - as long as they’re unsalted or not covered in chocolate, and dried fruits. Raisins, sultanas, dates, and dried apricots are excellent sources of energy, vitamins and minerals and they also supply useful quantities of fibre. As snacks and nibbles throughout the day they supply a significant number of calories in comparatively small amounts of food. One of the best sources of healthy calories are seeds and spreads made from seeds and nuts. Sunflower and sesame seeds are especially good and tahini - a spread made from crushed sesame - together with peanut butter provide a large number of calories and very little bulk.

Reply 18
Pretty Boy
Extra Virgin Olive oil IS raw fat in that it hasn't been heates. I would get first pressing.

The low GI of skimmed/semi-skimmed milk will minimise the damage that drinking the carbohydrate would do in terms of telling your body to store fat.

Basic rule - high Gi carbs = fat storage

When I say 'feeding your muscles and body', I refer to the food actually being USED UP as fuel rather than stored as Palmitic Acid (Fat on your body)

You know, you might actually learn something if you read carefully.

And to Bellacat, Michael Van Straaten is good, but he hasn't mastered some little known details about carbohydrates and fat. If you dont believe me, check his photo, the guy is massively overweight.

Read the work of Dr Ron Rosedale, he is the master of carbs/insulin/fat matters.


jebus, you have no idea what you are on about.
why would u use the olive oil with skimmed/semi milk. Why not just use whole milk if youre adding fat to it anyway.

I also disagree with BellaCat about high-fat foods being a problem. I dont see anything with with a fat intake of 40%+ of calories