The Student Room Group
Reply 1
hi, i've had an offer to do three languages at Durham next year. I'll be doing French+German post A-Level but don't know which other language to choose. Bearing in mind i hope to make languages my career, what do you recommend? Thank you B** :smile:

Well in Durham I think you can start Arabic, Italian, Russian and Spanish from scratch, so I suggest either Spanish or Russian. Spanish would be good because you have French, and Spanish is similar to it but WAY easier. Although, if it's something different you want, then Russian would be a change. Also you could look into Arabic, as there is quite a lot of need for Arabic speakers nowadays.
Reply 2
Hey beeboo, I'm at Durham and started Italian ab initio last year and Spanish this year. I can firmly recommend Italian. The staff are great - there's a real 'family feel' to my Italian classes that I haven't felt with Spanish - and the language is beautiful! It's really fun to learn. Lucina Stuart (in charge of the language modules) is a complete legend. I don't know anyone that doesn't have a laugh in her lessons, and I always come out feeling I've learned something!
Reply 3
Becca- or anyone else who may know about this... I know that I can only start one ab initio language at a time at Durham, and intend to do French (post A Level) and Russian (beginners) ... but is it possible to start another ab initio language in the second year? Or, given that I only did one language A Level, will I only ever be able to learn the one new language?

To the OP- Russian and Arabic seem like pretty good languages if you want something a little more unusual (particularly the latter.)
Reply 4
Thanx for that, I was thinking Spanish or Russian would be 1st choice as you merge with the advanced stream later on. But would there be more call for Spanish (although there's loads of people who speak that language) or Russian (although it's not widely used in Europe). Becca do you know how much call there would be for Italian as a job. Thanx a lot. B**
Reply 5
Is it possible, having got an offer to do two NON ab-initio languages at Durham, to start one ab-initio as well? Would this need to be sorted beforehand?
Reply 6
Is it possible, having got an offer to do two NON ab-initio languages at Durham, to start one ab-initio as well? Would this need to be sorted beforehand?

Probably. I originally applied for post A level French and German, changed my mind after my offer and was allowed to switch to Italian from German and it was fine! Really easy as it's all within the department.
Ludivine: yes, that's what I did. Did French and ab inition Italian in first year and picked up ab initio Spanish this year.
Beeboo. I'm not sure about job prospects with Italian, I'm just doing it because I love the language! The reason I took Spanish this year was basically because I wanted to use up 2 modules with something that was not literature! :rolleyes: It's OK but the Italian depatment is just so much better all round.
Reply 7
Thanks Becca. :smile: That's good then, as I kind of regret only having done one lang A Level.
Reply 8
Thanx for that, I was thinking Spanish or Russian would be 1st choice as you merge with the advanced stream later on. But would there be more call for Spanish (although there's loads of people who speak that language) or Russian (although it's not widely used in Europe). Becca do you know how much call there would be for Italian as a job. Thanx a lot. B**

Well a lot of the old Eastern Bloc countries still speak Russian (it's the most common second language in most), which would be useful, and Russia is fast becoming more prominent in the Business world.
Sadly Italian is not widely spoken outside of Italy, and Italy does not figure in the European Business World much.
Spanish would be a good choice as it's an easy language, especially if you've done French. It's also very widely spoken and would be a good choice if you want a career in languages. However I strongly suggest either Arabic or Russian, as they are both slightly more unusual and would be useful to add on your CV.
Reply 9
thanx for all the advice. All i've got to do now is choose!!! That'll be fun!!!:thumpdown