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When you stop counting in months.
Reply 2
When you stop counting in months.
Can't disagree.

Btw, are you referring to relationships or something else?

I guess it depends on the situation and what you've been used to. With relationships, if the longest relationship you've had has been say a month, then I'd say a year is getting to be pretty long term.
In general though, anything less than a year is not long term.
Reply 3
Long-term = you can't see any immediate or future reason why you'd split. This doesn't mean that you're going to be together forever (most of us aren't!) but it means you're happy in the relationship and see it lasting.

I'm a control freak so count things a lot, so I fear that definition doesn't work for me!
Reply 4
It depends on you, it more depends on what you see as the future in my opinion, if you can't see any future barriers to a relationship then you can class it as long term as its a long term plan. How long you've already been in a relationship is less relevent than how long you forsee it lasting.

I won't scare blissy by saying anything else :biggrin:
Reply 5
What would I class as long term? NOT four months, maybe six, definitely a year.
Reply 6
Can't disagree.

Btw, are you referring to relationships or something else?

yep, a relationship. sorry I didnt't make that clear :smile:
Reply 7
I wouldn't really class it as months or years, I'd just see how well you got to know each other and feel connected enough for it to last for a long time.
A few months? A year? I'm interested in knowing all your views :smile:

24 hours?
Reply 9
What would you classify as 6 years then?
What would you classify as 6 years then?

A sentance.
Reply 11
Long-term = you can't see any immediate or future reason why you'd split. This doesn't mean that you're going to be together forever (most of us aren't!) but it means you're happy in the relationship and see it lasting.

I'm a control freak so count things a lot, so I fear that definition doesn't work for me!

I absolutely agree. And I have too many people asking "how long have you been together...?" to forget easily.
Reply 12
Long-term = you can't see any immediate or future reason why you'd split. This doesn't mean that you're going to be together forever (most of us aren't!) but it means you're happy in the relationship and see it lasting.
Agreed, although if you feel that way after 3 months it's hardly been long. :smile: I'd say from 10 months.
When you stop counting in months.

when people ask you how long you've been together and you go "huh? together? him? really? I forgot..." :P
Reply 14
When you stop counting in months.
I still count in months and it's been 16.5 months now. :biggrin: I guess I'll stop counting once we're passed the 2 year border cos I'm not good with numbers.
Reply 15
2 years becomes 3 as it then become 4, 5 and 6 etc. As Helenia said, you just enjoy each others company. There's no reason to count and no reason to think that the relationship your in has lasted too long and needs focus elsewhere.

6 years is not a sentence lol! It's pleasurable to a certain degree realizing you can depend on someone for anything and have trust and concentrate on what's good for your own life at the same time :smile:
6 years is not a sentence lol! It's pleasurable to a certain degree realizing you can depend on someone for anything and have trust and concentrate on what's good for your own life at the same time :smile:

True :biggrin:
I'm counting in years and months :p: I've been in my relationship for 2 years and 7 months, but I think I classed it as longterm after about 6 months :confused: When we knew we were comfortable with eachother and just assumed we would be meeting eachother the next day! No arranging, it would be inevitable!
I'd say from about a year onwards.
Reply 19
maybe 5, 6 hours.... honest. :frown: