The Student Room Group


Anyone else here got a strange couple of mixed feelings. These 2 being wanting to be single, yet not wanting to be single?

I'm asking because I feel this way. Part of me just wants to get out there and meet girls, I'm under 18 so no clubs or bars... yet :wink:

But since I am underage there's nowhere decent to meet them... and I'm a bit drunk when I write this so apologies if I'm not making much sense. Yeah yeah, you could say clubs, school, stuff like that... but still, it's not my scenes.

When I turn 18 and over I will probably just be having a lot of one nighters by the looks of things.

The other part of me wants to find a girl to love... someone who I can just... well love.

There's my emotional sentence over, as a bloke it was hard to write! Hey the whole thread is a bit strange right?

So yeah, I think why not go to internet places to meet some birds. I feel like a right sad case chatting to girls online since I believe you should meet them face to face first, webcam or pics isn't the same for me. Since you can't see the 'whole' body so to speak. This is just my opinion though, I know it isn't sad cases only that use internet dating. I dunno what to do... just feel a bit crap at the moment and had to get it off my chest.

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Clubs are a pretty poor place to meet people IMO. How are you supposed to develop a relationship through shouting drunkenly at people over loud music? If I want to do that I can sit in my room with a bottle of navy rum and my all star Death Metal mix tape.
If you want to meet socially awkward and generally antisocial people, you can try internet dating. I know a couple middle-aged people who have done it, but it becomes more acceptable with age. It's odd for young people to need the internet to date.

How is college not in your scene? The best friends you make in life are from college.
Reply 3
No strange mixed feelings for me...
Reply 4
If you want to meet socially awkward and generally antisocial people, you can try internet dating. I know a couple middle-aged people who have done it, but it becomes more acceptable with age. It's odd for young people to need the internet to date.

How is college not in your scene? The best friends you make in life are from college.

I have to disagree with you there. I'm in sixth form (same thing as college I guess) and the people I'm with are the same idiots I've known since year 7... (i'm at secondary school).
Reply 5
Pretty Boy
Dude, just get drunk and grab ass.

Leave it until near the end of the night an your chances improve. :cool:

LOL best advice I've heard tonight mate! And it is properly the best too! LOL

Still, I doubt a one nighter with some chick will sort me out for a long term relationship.
Reply 6
Anyone else here got a strange couple of mixed feelings. These 2 being wanting to be single, yet not wanting to be single?

As soon as you've delt with the hassles that women can cause to your life, you'll value the times when you're single. :smile:

I have to disagree with you there. I'm in sixth form (same thing as college I guess) and the people I'm with are the same idiots I've known since year 7... (i'm at secondary school).

Do you do any extracurricular activities? Clubs? That's another great way to meet mates.

When you leave college, you may realise you took for granted those idiots.
Paul Daniels.
I know what you mean. I think it too.
I can say now, unless I have known them extensively, I would not ever pull anyone in a nightclub. The thought makes me want to retch.
Reply 11
Gigs, clubs, meet people via friends, work..

There's people everywhere, you don't need to be in a club to talk to them. :smile:
Reply 12
Can happen anytime...anyplace!!
Reply 13
I have been going out to town drinking since i was 17 and have NEVER pulled when out in bars and stuff (bar my kavos holiday). But all the girls i have been out with/had stuff with are all from either work or from wacthing nottingham panthers ice hockey (lots of girls go to watch ice hockey :tongue:) , so dont assume just because you dont go out yet that you cant pull women
Reply 14
If you want to meet socially awkward and generally antisocial people, you can try internet dating. I know a couple middle-aged people who have done it, but it becomes more acceptable with age. It's odd for young people to need the internet to date.

How is college not in your scene? The best friends you make in life are from college.

You clearly don't know a lot. Have you not seen any of the many internet dating threads on this forum alone?! There are many many people here (including myself) who will tell you that it works. I've been with my boyfriend 13 months, and we met on the internet. And this is a crime because? I wouldn't advocate going on dating sites to deliberately try and find a partner, but if you happen to meet someone through a site that interests you both, then there's nothing wrong with that. The internet is just a place - no different to a cafe or school.
The joke's on you anyway - if everyone who goes on the internet is a socially awkward and antisocial being, then that means you're one too.
I know what you mean, I've left college early which doesn't help, and I'm not 18 so unless I want to go to under 18's nights at clubs or get older people to take me out all the time there's not many places I can go. I never get to meet anyone new :frown: But I'm trying to go out more with friends and I'll be getting a job soon so I'm hoping to meet people there :smile:
You clearly don't know a lot. Have you not seen any of the many internet dating threads on this forum alone?! There are many many people here (including myself) who will tell you that it works. I've been with my boyfriend 13 months, and we met on the internet. And this is a crime because? I wouldn't advocate going on dating sites to deliberately try and find a partner, but if you happen to meet someone through a site that interests you both, then there's nothing wrong with that. The internet is just a place - no different to a cafe or school.
The joke's on you anyway - if everyone who goes on the internet is a socially awkward and antisocial being, then that means you're one too.

Uh, I don't use the internet to "date" or find people to go out with. That's not exactly the same as just using the internet for other reasons. Generally people who use the internet to find others to go out with are antisocial or more antisocial than those that don't. How can you contest that? Your ultra-defensive nature clearly shows insecurity regarding internet dating.
Whichever: college, university, and school in general are great places to meet people.
(edited 4 years ago)
Reply 18
Whichever: college, university, and school in general are great places to meet people.

depends what you wanna meet people for.

Basically - Your school, college, uni is a good place to make friends but not a good place to get action. Cus when it goes wrong its all around you and everyone knows.

I would definitely think twice about getting involved with anyone at the same college as me.
well i wouldnt say all people from internet are socially inept, though obviously it would be easier for the socially inept ones to communicate with people through this method.. i think clubs are bad places to meet people, good to "meat" people though haha