The Student Room Group
Reply 1
surely somebody has used a similar supplement?
Babe just watch your diet and get some exercise. seriously.
Reply 3
Is it wrong that I thought FatStripper was going to be a company that specialised in lap dancers of an unusually high BMI?
I'm willing to bet it's completely craptastic. Just try diet and exercise; as boring as it is, it works! :smile:
KingLeigh- that was exactly what I thought :biggrin:
Reply 6
i had it once...and got sick for the next 15 me mate all these things don't work...I finally was down for 2 months after just 1 dose....and I had a tuff time. I finally cut a good weight from myself just by yoga and a good diet....and lots of pumpkin of luck mate. cheers
Reply 7
Don't forget to drink green tea! Split your 3 big meals in to 6 smaller meals (e.g. eat a small amount of breakfast, and then another small amount of breakfast). Eat when you're hungry, but don't fill yourself up. Do alot of cardiovascular exercise in the gym, and do alot of press ups, sit ups, chin ups, and *some* free weights on your biceps, just so that you help your body to take shape whilst you lose fat. Remember to not eat 2 hrs before going to the gym, and remember to not eat carbohydrates before you go to sleep (bread, rice, etc. you know what they are), since this is one sure way of gaining fat. You'll see the difference in 2 weeks!
Reply 8
Increase fibre intake aswel ^^
Pretty Boy
Just try to lower your leptin and insulin levels by controlling your blood sugar

avoiding most grains will help:cool:

Well, u got 1 out of 3 points right. You want to increase leptin and decrease insulin, but this isnt important at all to a person who jst wants to shift a few lbs.

Eating more wholegrains and lean protein, along with essential fats such as nuts is the way to go. Aswell as exercise ~3x a week.
Reply 10
Biffy Clyro
KingLeigh- that was exactly what I thought :biggrin:

Is it wrong that I thought FatStripper was going to be a company that specialised in lap dancers of an unusually high BMI?

Reply 12
i have tried hydroxycut and stacker2. they do work, but in my opinion there disadvantages out weight the advantages.

u get head aches and feel tired all the time, physically and mentally.

all they do is prevent fat and carbohydrates being absorbed. when u take them u still have to go on diet and exercise.

so i wouldnt bother with them.
Reply 13
try paint stripper first.
or a real stripper?

go on, i dares you