The Student Room Group

Yes, another broken up thread.

Ok, me and my girlfriend of 8 months have broken up after a pretty bad month. We were at the same university (started going out before uni... met on a site similiar to this).. anyways, I've dropped out, and we've decided its best if we break up while I try and sort my life out... I'm usually so good at helping other people cope.. but with myself I just can't seem to think straight. I know I need to cut off all contact but is there any other things that could help?


Reply 1
I'm afraid time is possibly the only answer. These things are hard, and they hurt, but sadly the cliche that "time heals all wounds" applies quite strongly. Try and concentrate on the other things you need to sort out, and trying to get your life back in order. Keep yourself busy - if you stop then you'll have too much time to think and that never helps.
Reply 2
Concentrate on your studies which will get you to uni is all I can suggest :smile:
Reply 3
Thanks both, I'll try, although have no studies to concentrate on as I dropped out of one uni and am going to another in September.