The Student Room Group

TSR anti-bullying society


I honestly think that a thread should be made for this, there may have been one done already but I have not seen it around so it may be closed now.
Basically the point of this thread is to help others who are a victim of bullying or may have been and also to give general support, now and again we have discussions about this issue as well!:p:.:smile:
If you want to be anonymous that option is now availiable seeing as this society was moved from the society forum to the H&R department.:biggrin:
We have many members on this thread 101! helpful peeps:biggrin: who are here to offer support at all times, so don't hesitate to post on here if you need help.:smile:

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i'll join...
Reply 2
I'll join
Reply 3
Thanks guys, there is currently a society logo being processed so i'll tell you when you can add it :smile:
Reply 4
I'll join. :smile:
Reply 5
I honestly, expected to have a bigger outcome in this society :smile:
Reply 6
I'll join:smile:
Reply 7
Me three!
Reply 8
This is now on the society list if you want the logo :smile:
Reply 9
I tried adding you Sexysax but it said you have too many society memberships :smile:
Reply 10
Add me LA
Reply 11
I tried adding you Sexysax but it said you have too many society memberships :smile:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Reply 12
Can I join?? I'm sooooo not for bullying!!! :tsr2:
woo hoo i joined!! excellent idea for a society btw, we need something like this..
Im in..
Count me in

Thanks to bullying from ages 11-16 i suffer from depression, self harm and have OD

So anything to counteract that, and to ensure others don't suffer the same i am all for.
Reply 16
Count me in.

I have suffered from what some might call minor bullying pretty much every day since I started secondary school - 8 years ago.

Name calling isnt minor when you get over 100 people giving you snide remarks about something as petty as your shoe-size every day for 8 flaming years!
Reply 17
What purpose can one gain from bullying? its pathetic
Reply 18
You arent wrong there, yet it still happens :frown:
Reply 19
I know, people mainly say its because the bully suffered but should they not set a example by not promoting bullying as it happened to them.