The Student Room Group

Being a bouncer, really means nothing...

I work at a busy bar in Manchester and I work the door with two fellow doormen. Last night we had one really hectic night. First off, we had one drunkard kicking off because we would not let him in as we felt he was too drunk. This went on for about ten minutes and eventually settles down. About an hour later, a woman had a fit in the toilet of the club; we suspected she was doing cocaine. Finally, and the really major event of the evening was at the very end when my boss's brother's wife got into an argument with some passer-by. It all got a bit out of hand and before we knew it everyone was scrapping. Obviously it was my job to stand in and make sure that it calmed down. We got it all settled, besides the shouting, and we thought that would be the end of it. Then it all kicked off again due to this random woman grabbing my boss's brother's wife by the hair and dragging her to the ground. There were about twenty-five people in this fracas and we restrained her, then we all left them and went back into the club. About half an hour later when the club had closed the Police turned up and we let them in to discuss it. They were being right mong-a-loids and had no respect for what we had to say. Quite simply, they were looking for someone to point the finger at and within about 2 minutes, my boss's brother and his wife had been arrested. I was shocked that they did this, especially considering we had CCTV to show what happened and how it was this random woman who started it all, but as she rang the Police, the Police came down thinking she was the innocent party. I was shocked at how poorly someone in the Police force could judge situations. Not only this, she was a Sergeant. I think that this is appalling that she sided with this woman that had started all the problems whilst we had all told her what had happened...

What do you reckon?
it happens all the time unfortunately that......seen it when i go out but usually the bouncers are asked for their accounts before the people in question :confused: also CCTV is taken as soon as possible and copies are made for the families to have a look at as well. But the police seemed quite up their ass if they took the innocent party and took your bosses wife (which im taking is the owners???) weird....
Well the video footage will be quite damning evidence in court in favour of the defense.
Reply 3
seen it when i go out but usually the bouncers are asked for their accounts before the people in question

Yup, thats happened to me before....
Reply 4
Our door men get a right hard time up here. I work in a club, and it's a bit mad. Last week the head door man split his leg in two places, the bone was actually sticking out of his leg. Then last night, one of the newer guys, who bless his soul used to work at the Justice Mill, which is a 'Spoons and never has any trouble, got a right kick to the stomach and couldn't breathe then started being sick everywhere and had to be taken away in an ambulance. Also last night the police were round at the door twice to cool riots, the fire alarm was set off meaning we had to evacuate the club, and there was two brawls upstairs in the club. It's not that big a place, but we need at least six doormen on at any one time. Two at the door, two on the stairs watching the bottom bar, and two upstairs keeping an eye on the top club.
Reply 5
Chase Me
who bless his soul used to work at the Justice Mill, which is a 'Spoons and never has any trouble

Hoho, clearly they are very different where you come from...
Reply 6
Then it all kicked off again due to this random woman grabbing my boss's brother's wife by the hair and dragging her to the ground. There were about twenty-five people in this fracas and we restrained her, then we all left them and went back into the club.

You do realise YOU could get into grief for getting involved with something outside the venue?

Doormen have no jurisdiction outside whatsoever. I know it's difficult 'cos of Boss's Brothers Wife being involved, but you're running a risk by getting involved. I ended up going to Court over an incident where me and my colleague got dragged out of my pub by 5 lads who then tried to kick the crap out of us. Fortunately CCTV showed exactly what happened, and we ended up getting compensation.

As for the Police, give 'em a break. They see countless offences each night, and from my experience will generally arrest anyone involved. When they have a chance to properly look at CCTV, I'm sure they'll realise what actually happened.