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Reply 1
Its what girls do

They hold out as long as they can untill they can find somebody better, if not they will go out with you.
Reply 2
Hmm, well I'd only play hard to get if the guy had previosuly treated me bad and I wanted him to suffer :biggrin:. Otherwise I don't see the point, if you like someone, then you should show it. It's usually girls who have power issues who play silly little games like this.
Its what girls do

They hold out as long as they can untill they can find somebody better, if not they will go out with you.

lol! thats one way of putting it!!

I can't see the point in playing hard to get. It only causes confusion!!
Playing hard to get is pretty evil :rolleyes: I have done it before though, in the situation where some guy had treated me like poo and I wanted to lead him along, with my last boyfriend though when I found out he liked me I didn't see the point of confusing him so I make it clear I liked him back :smile:
Reply 5
its what us girls do when they are trying to get a girl to like them i think its pointless and makes you more open to getting hurt when they dont chase after you.
I don't like it when guys play hard to get, but I also don't like it when they seem too keen. I met a guy last weekend who then got my number off a friend and texted me asking if I'd like to go out some time. But now he keeps on and on texting me (like, much more than any of my friends do) for no particular reason, and it's kind of putting me off him.
Reply 7
If you like him meet up with him, if you don't like him tell him and stop leading him on. He should get the message and stop texting you if you don't want him to. But it's always nice to feel wanted...
Reply 8
nah, playing hard to get is perfect. think about flirt with them/show just enough interest in them to get them intrigued, then back off and let them do all the chasing (which is fun for them. guys enjoy the chase) and make them work for you. works a charm :smile:

the problem is, when you're nice to someone just because you're a nice person, then don't respond to their incessant phone calls/texts and they think 'yeah. she wants me. she's just playing hard to get' when actually, we're being polite but can't be bothered with you. gah.
i hate playing hard to get!!! if i like someone i have to tell him, i just can't bottle my feeling up! besides, whats the point in wasting time anyway???
Reply 10
Its what girls do

They hold out as long as they can untill they can find somebody better, if not they will go out with you.

thats not all true.
ive never done it before and never would.
i dont understand the piont of playing hard to get and all the games people like to play.
i prefure to be honest and get on with it.
i say playing games can end up messing things up for you so whats the piont.
Reply 11
i hate playing hard to get!!! if i like someone i have to tell him, i just can't bottle my feeling up! besides, whats the point in wasting time anyway???

i totally agree :smile:
Reply 12
i absolutely ****ing hate it when the girl tries to play.this is sooo ****ing annoying. I got used to it now so i get whether she is playing or not now. However before I thought they werent interested and felt that there must be something wrong with me. Then i got more confidence, put some effort and found out that they were just playing hard to get. bitches.sry.
Reply 13
What playing hard to get does - it raises intrigue and mystery (and sometimes frustration) which builds up sexual tension - think about it, if you have to reach for somebody who you are unsure whether they like you or not, you will most likely want to find out. Normally there would be a difference between hard to get and disinterested, since hard to get should drop hints but not be too obvious.
Am I the only one who doesn't get the point of the whole playing-hard-to-get tactic?
I always thought, if I like someone, it's better to make sure they know, ie. talk to them, be friendly etc, make sure they know you're interested! If you act like you don't like them, surely they'll just lose interest?

Anyway wasn't sure what the point of this thread was...just wondered :smile: :p:

sometimes, playing hard to get just drives the guys crazy about the girl. I only did that with my boyfriend in the early stages of our relationship but now I don't. I mean, I'm as mad about him as he is about me so what's the point? :P
I think any hard-to-get-players should read some William Blake...

"Those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained."

I absolutely adore Blake.
Reply 16
Nice one!
"Rather murder a baby in the cradle than nurse unactive desire."
Reply 17
Guys playing hard to get sucks but when they don't do it I automatically seem to think they're somehow "desperate" and it just puts me totally off. :mad:

I think though some people take it too far and act as though they are completly not bothered. This annoys me as then I actually just think they have no interest in me and move on to someone else, then months later they'll be like "I really like you" and the moment has passed.

So basically be hard to get but not impossible to get :p:
If you like him meet up with him, if you don't like him tell him and stop leading him on. He should get the message and stop texting you if you don't want him to. But it's always nice to feel wanted...

I did like him quite a lot until he started texting me all the bloody time. But give me a break, I've only known him a week. I hate it when people text me saying absolutely nothing at all, because I feel bad if I don't text back, and then I end up having a long drawn out text conversation about the weather at 12p a pop. I'd rather just text someone to agree what time to meet up, then meet up and talk to them face to face. I don't like being pestered all the time.
Reply 19
I only play hard to get if a guy seems to be losing interest. If you're suddenly unavailable, you become a lot more attractive, I've found.