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Getting the horn?

Every now and then.
Reply 2
I think she means wants children. I want them, loads of mini me's. Mostly lads, maybe one girl at the most :biggrin:
Reply 3
Definitions of broody on the Web:

* physiologically ready to incubate eggs; "a broody hen"

Reply 4
I dont think they do as much as girls obviously, but there are occasions when they do :smile:
Reply 5
Didn't Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston break up because he wanted kids and she didn't?
Reply 6
yes men do get broody...everyone does.even gay pink flamingos get broody and steal other flamingos eggs.
I'm not a guy (obviously) but I get broody all the bloody time! :redface:
Reply 8
I get broody when I see a really cute baby or little kid. Just makes me want one (when I was with my ex anyway, doesn't seem to happen anymore). The minute they start crying I start to think like a normal 19 year old.
Reply 9
Ditto! ^ I'm a woman and really want children so I get broody all the time until they start crying, I don't know how anyone can look at a crying, snotty child and stil want one!

I just spoke to my b/f and he said he gets broody when he puts his 1 yr old brother to bed coz he's "soooo cute"! Lol! We also get really broody when we put the baby to bed together, it's so nice!
I'm a guy, and I do. After my cousin had her baby, and I met her for the first time, I really wanted a baby... Still do... Come on girls!
lol I thought you meant brooding as in
"to think for a long time about things that make you sad, worried or angry"

I don’t really get that way. If I see a baby I’ll be all “awww such a sweet heart, I want a baby” but I don’t meant it. I’m in school, no job, no home ( of my own ), not in a steady relationship. Seriously considering to have a child is not an option.

It wouldn’t be fair for the baby :frown: or my mum cause she’ll be looking after it :biggrin:
Reply 12
I feel like it all the time, I'd love to have children, although not with my current lifestyle. Unfortunately the first rung is to engage with somebody in a relationship first... which will take most of my life to find..
Reply 13
not with my future not until im at least 28ish...although i do want a bugger or two
Of course. 'Tis only natural.
I do every time I visit my sister when she's working. She's a nanny, she looks after a one year old and I want one! It's cool! It does funny stuff, and makes random babbling noises. But then again, I just like them when they're crawling about the place and laughing and stuff... not when they smell / cry / need food etc.
Are you sure you brood?
Natalie Lane
Are you sure you brood?

Yes! I want a baby, so that it can amuse me. It's also so funny when they have those shape board things, and they try to put the square in the star hole or something. It's like "LOL!! That clearly doesn't fit!" and yet they just keep tryin'.

...Let's have a baby.
Reply 18
Kids are annoying as hell. They need to be trained on an island where I don't have to deal with them. When they've learn't manners they can come back and clean some shoes.
Toy Soldier
Yes! I want a baby, so that it can amuse me. It's also so funny when they have those shape board things, and they try to put the square in the star hole or something. It's like "LOL!! That clearly doesn't fit!" and yet they just keep tryin'.

...Let's have a baby.

If you take care of it while it cries and needs diaper changes then sure, lets. Oh, and cook and clean the following years too because I suck at both...

If not, no thanks