The Student Room Group

jealous friend

i've got this friend who i've fancied for a while now: it's not just that i think they're good looking, but that i really know this person and he is someone that i could spend hours and hours chatting to. he is amazing! he's none the wiser that i like him, and i want to keep it that way. the other night we went to a club, and we had been chatting and having a laugh all night. and although i know he doesn't consider me like this, whenever we have a good time, there is a hope in my head that he may actually like me. i'm kidding myself when i think this way. later on in the night he pulled this girl. sounds extremely dramatic, but it tore me apart inside. i can't see him with other ppl, it really upsets me. do you think i should try to bare with it, let him know how i feel, or leave this friendship? i know i can't carry on going out on nights out with him as it really gets me down when i see him with others.
tell him then...some relationships between friends do work out
^The Green Eyed monster is here.

I would say you should confront him with your feelings.
Reply 3
you know what to do, as your the best judge of your situation, although sometimes outside advice may help...i think it would be better coming for a close friend who understands your situation
Reply 4
Leave it a while, wait until he gets a steady girlfriend. After all you wouldn't want to ruin the wonderful friendship you have (means you can go out and watch him pull other girls).

Seriously: Enjoy it a while- longing is one of the more fun feelings- then go for it- get him drunk and kiss him then see how he reacts, if badly, just say it didn't mean anything. The key is plausible deniability.
Reply 5
^ The get 'em drunk and take advantage tactic always works! lol:redface:
I really don't think you should do anything unless he starts sporting the usual tell-tale signs. He got off with someone in front of you. That generally means that he's not interested in someone he believes to be his friend.
Reply 7
It doesn't sound as if he considers you as anything other than a friend if he pulled someone in front of you. However it can sometimes be that you don't really consider someone in that way unless you know they are interested. Let him know how you feel, but don't go overboard and scare him off by confessing your undying love or anything! There is no harm in him knowing you like him, if nothing else he will be flattered. If he doesn't turn out to be interested in a relationship then at least you won't have to keep wondering if anything will happen and you can move on.
Reply 8
Dont tell him anything. I agree with the other person that it doesn't sound as if he considers you as anything other than a friend if he pulled someone in front of you. I doubt that he will change his lifestyle just because you dont like it. You might even lose the friendship because he will feel uneasy around you. The drinking idea is not bad though, you can try it if you are desperate.
Reply 9
It depends on if you're male or female - it sounds like you're male but I could be wrong. If you're male then there's nothing you can do as he sems straight, but if you're female you can ask a mutual friend to find out if he likes you that way or something along those lines...
i've got this friend who i've fancied for a while now: it's not just that i think they're good looking, but that i really know this person and he is someone that i could spend hours and hours chatting to. he is amazing! he's none the wiser that i like him, and i want to keep it that way. the other night we went to a club, and we had been chatting and having a laugh all night. and although i know he doesn't consider me like this, whenever we have a good time, there is a hope in my head that he may actually like me. i'm kidding myself when i think this way. later on in the night he pulled this girl. sounds extremely dramatic, but it tore me apart inside. i can't see him with other ppl, it really upsets me. do you think i should try to bare with it, let him know how i feel, or leave this friendship? i know i can't carry on going out on nights out with him as it really gets me down when i see him with others.

I used to go out with a guy. It didn't work out...and it kinda just fizzled out. That guy is my best friend. :smile: