The Student Room Group

I hate myimaths!

As the thread suggests i find mymaths/myimaths absolutly ridicuous, opposed to conventional maths homework from textbooks, for the following reasons:

1. Stupid marking where you get deducted 3 marks (i would of got 100%) for accidently typing an = instead of a + because i forgot to hold shift.:colonhash:
2. Technological errors where it doesn't mark a whole qustion for no reason (and again i would of got 100%)
3. Silly mistakes where if you make a basic mental arithmatic error but get general answer/method right, you get most of the marks in a normal hw/exam. On mymaths it just goes and duducts a whole 5 ****ing marks.
4. Bad methods, where for people who may struggle with maths (fortunatly not me:wink:), if you go and get 0% the teacher cannot see where you have gone wrong and therefore explain it to you-instead you get a computer screen full of crosses-helpful:colonhash:

Mymaths DOES NOT help the students, it is just for lazy teachers and SHOULD BE BANNED.

Rant over:colondollar:

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Reply 1
Ha, it's useful for learning :-)

we don't get homework via my maths :P
Reply 2
Totally agree. Totally. It's just so irritating.
All of that is true, the online lessons are meant to be good
Are you guys doing C1 and C2 in january?
Reply 4
Original post by Mrkingpenguin

(i would of got 100%)

I know you're a maths person but it's 'would have'. It upset me seeing you get it wrong :frown:
Reply 5
I think the online lessons on mymaths are quite good actually, this thread is quite a surprise...
I don't know what this is, but it sounds like I should be profoundly grateful for that.
Reply 7
I think the marking is bad but it's brilliant for revision as it goes through everything in the specification for C1-4, M1, S1 and D1. You can learn a module in a day if you're at home and don't even have the textbook on you (or find the textbook difficult to comprehend). Invaluable.
I agree, it sucks as it's always gonna be my homework for C3 although there are some elements which are good.
Besides, you can easily cheat by refreshing/opening up another tab
Reply 9
It's good for revision or looking up how to do certain things. I've never had it set as homework for A-Level, but once or twice for GCSE. It can be really picky because I can get the right answer but have put it in wrong, so I have to start again to get 100% and it usually changes the question. If it had shown me where I had gone wrong or even went through how you'd find out the answer, it would be fine.
Reply 10
Lol, just logged in to my account for the first time in a year and just noticed I haven't done like 20 pieces of MyMaths homework.
Reply 11
Mymaths owns homework wise because you can get away with not doing it by saying "the website didnt send" or "no internet"
MyMaths for A Level? Sounds patronising...
Reply 13
Original post by gemnomnom
MyMaths for A Level? Sounds patronising...

hi can u give me a user id and pass for the website?
Reply 14
Lol, just logged in to my account for the first time in a year and just noticed I haven't done like 20 pieces of MyMaths homework.

hi can u give me a user id and pass for the website?
It's a piece of ****, that's why I refuse to use it.
Reply 16
I used it to go over the whole C1-4 and M1 courses without ever having needing textbooks and got an average of 96% across them. I used only MyMaths and past papers. It's brilliant and you can really speed through it.
Reply 17
It was really good for GCSE - it literally covered everything you needed to know. I did most of my revision on there - life saver tbh! For A level it isn't as good though... And yeah, getting set homework on it can be annoying.
I am from Harvard and I totally agree that myimath sucks. It deletes 5 effing marks for getting one stupid question wrong
Reply 19
Yeah the homeworks may be bad. But I think the explanations (especially harder topics at A-Level) are quite helpful if you are completely confused.