The Student Room Group

down there...

hey i no theres probz loadsa threads bout this..but gna start another
i was jus wonderin wot guys prefer/expect girls 2 hav 'down there'. no hair at all? lil strip? or dnt they care at all?
i was wonderin coz i wana go further with my bf i.e. let him finger me
but didnt no wot 2 do bout down there
any advice wud b helpful
o apart from askin him coz i dnt reli wana do that, jus want a general guys view
Reply 1
There are LOADS. Please do a search. And remember that most people find txt spk harder to respond to.
"hair down below"
"Bikini Line"
"shaving 'down there'"
for example.
Depends on the guy, some like hair, some don't. Ask your b-f, and he'll tell you his preferences!