The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I always make hot orange juice, just the diluted stuff like Robinsons or Kia-Ora and that sometimes helps.

But stick to the cough medicine as well. Do you have any other symptoms, I mean you don't have a bad chest or anything?
No although sometimes I cough so much than I'm almost throwing up...and my chest seized up really badly yesterday...I just want it to go away so I can get some SLEEP!
Reply 3
I had a bad cough last year, hated it cos like you I got very little sleep. I had coedine linctus (I think that's how you spell it) and that seemed to help a bit. I ended up going to the doctors as it resulted in a pulled intercostal muscle (the ones between ribs) which I could feel when I breathed at times, and wasn't helped by the fact I still had the cough!
Reply 4
I had the same problem a few weeks ago. I used that new 'cough nurse' and it did the trick. ive still not worked out if it actually aids the cough or simply just knocks you out for the night.:smile:
Reply 5
It might be asthma. Did you check with a doctor?
Reply 6
I had a dreadful cough a few days ago and had to just put everything else on hold while I waited for it to go again. There's no point doing essays and stressing yourself when you don't feel well...relax for a while, have a few days off and you'll get better quicker.
When I was little I coughed a lot at night - just as you describe - and it turned out to be asthma. Not saying it necessarily is that, but if you only cough at nihgt and have no other symptoms, you might want to find out so you can get an inhaler etc, which should stop it, or at least make it a lot better so you can get some sleep (plus if it is asthma you need to know anyway.)
What cough medicine have you been using?
I have what you have every winter. Just start coughing at nite, especially when i go to bed. Its asthma, nocturnal asthma or something. I'd go see your doc and get a few pumps. Works for me neway. Hope ya get better soon! X
I really hope it isn't asthma...bad chests run in my family...oh well, thanks everyone for your advice, I'll go and see a doctor 2morro!