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If everything is going in the wrong direction then that should be your reason to wake up everyday; you can move things in a better direction (or at least stop them moving in the wrong direction). What are you doing at the moment in life?
Reply 2
get a hobby?
Reply 3
Then it's time to take up the challange and turn your life around. That's what I did a few years back when I felt everything was against me.

Assess the main areas of your life. Are you happy with the friends you have? Do you have many hobbies and activities that you enjoy? Do you enjoy your studies? Could you do anything to improve family life?

The first step is always to think positive. Imagine what you want your life to be like, then go for it!
Reply 4
the problem is that I try so hard to make a change but i can't it's even out of my reach, it's like I have to give everything up
It's not out of your reach. Very few things are impossible. Can you give a little background information?
Reply 6
pick yourself up .. dont feel sorry for yourself .. and yeh like ever1 else is saying turn your life around .. everything thats going wrong in ur life or whatever ur situation is make it right .. remember the powers all in your hands .. do u wanna feel like this for the rest of ur life .. u cant just expect to wake up one day and hope everything gets better .. U have to do something about it .. trust me im in the same position and i know what i have to do but i just cant bring myself to do it .. but just believe in urself and everything will turn out for the better :smile:
The only thing that is keeping you in your repetitive pattern is yourself. Get a grip.
Reply 8
I feel there is no reason for me to live, that there is nothing that stimulates me to wake up eachday everything is going in the wrong direction,and it's like I can't keep faking my happiness:frown:

I feel almost the same way, you just have to to focus on something positive and try, try try. Good luck.
I know it seems like the least possible thing to do right now when you feel like this but try to think positive and to keep communicating about whats going on and how you feel. Think about the good things in your life. Your family/friends for example? Think how they would feel if you decided to give up on life? You also need to get some help of some sort to help you overcome these feelings and get your life back on track - maybe visiting your GP would help, or seeing a counsellor at university or something, even talking to someone you know and trust will help you because I'm sure they will encourage you and help you they will not judge you or condemn you for feeling this way. Please don't blame yourself for feeling this way - its entirely natural but it IS something you can fight your way out of. I and many others have felt the same and have started making the small and important steps to get out of the black hole - its different for everyone and I'm not a health professional of any sort so I can't give you any definitive advice but please try and think positive and talk to someone - you might be pleasantly surprised.
Take care x
Reply 10
Hey..i know how you feel.remain positive and b grateful for what u have..then think of how it could be better. Set that as ur goal and remain positive. Smile. :smile:
The only thing that is keeping you in your repetitive pattern is yourself. Get a grip.

That sort of comment is neither helpful nor worthwhile. How dare you judge someone who may be in the depths of depression and is probably going through something you know very little about yourself. I suggest YOU get a grip and acknowledge that many people are going through this and it makes things worse to write punitive and shallow comments like yours.
Reply 12
I think you should go and see your GP, it sounds like you might have depression; I'm just guessing here but I felt very much like that a while ago and to an extent still do, I'm seeing mine soon to see if there's something i can do to change the situation. I know it sounds a bit scary and I avoided it for months by just depreciating my situation but no matter how big or small the problem seems if its bugging you then you should go see someone.
That sort of comment is neither helpful nor worthwhile. How dare you judge someone who may be in the depths of depression and is probably going through something you know very little about yourself. I suggest YOU get a grip and acknowledge that many people are going through this and it makes things worse to write punitive and shallow comments like yours.

And what makes you think I haven't been the same? I got a grip and have turned my life around. I did something about it and along the way found people who were in the same position. How dare you judge that it is something I probably know very little about?
Well the good news is you can always get a blade on the NHS if it gets that bad.,,2087-2025748,00.html

OMG...thats shocking. This article is...well, read for yourself and see what you think. :frown:
Reply 15
I was shocked too when i read it!! It seems sooo irresponsible!!
I was shocked too when i read it!! It seems sooo irresponsible!!

They're going to do it until they leave school anyway so may as well give them clean knives.
I feel there is no reason for me to live, that there is nothing that stimulates me to wake up eachday everything is going in the wrong direction,and it's like I can't keep faking my happiness:frown:

Do something about it. You have free will dont you? make some changes.
El Scotto

Do something about it. You have free will dont you? make some changes.

Don't say that El Scotto, LauraJane14 doesn't like it when we tell people that sort of advice.
No its not hypocritical actually. I've been through the same thing myself actually. You're being hypocritical for judging ME when you don't know ME. And I think it was obvious that it was me who left the neg reg...I'm not ashamed of my views and I'm not frightened to say what I think either. Why do you think I responded? ^o)