The Student Room Group
It's no big deal, though I guess she'd be flattered if you were excited by it (presumably that's why it came up in conversation lol).

I only have my tongue pierced and I get soem crazed reactions from randy lads, I'm thinking about taking it out because of that....if one more bloke tells me I look like a "naughty bad girl" because I have my tongue pierced I'll be up for murder :wink:
Reply 2
A girl who I have slowly been getting closer to over the past few weeks let on recently that she has a piercing in......a rather private area. Should this excite me or worry me?? I personally find its a mixture, exciting but perhaps a bit dangerous, and I'm worried it will be like stepping into the "unknown" too much. Any experience/thoughts?

Watch her, girls who multilate their bits generally have problems.

Tho can be very sexual so thats a plus as well i suppose. But you're get mental hassle from her.
Reply 3

I only have my tongue pierced and I get soem crazed reactions from randy lads, I'm thinking about taking it out because of that....if one more bloke tells me I look like a "naughty bad girl" because I have my tongue pierced I'll be up for murder :wink:

If lots of guys notice your tongue peircing that only means 1 thing......

.... You obviously chat too much!! haha
Reply 4
I think you're probably right to be a bit worried, but just ask her to show you how to erm... work with it. I expect you're concerned about pulling/hurting her as much as anything else?
Reply 5
I think he is just worried about hurting her. She's probably had it done a while now, so it'll be all healed and not painful, I'd imagine. Talk to her about it :smile:
^ I agree, I don't understand either.
Reply 7
sorry, what?

Don't you know? We're all crazy psychos!
Reply 8
El Scotto

Watch her, girls who multilate their bits generally have problems. Tho can be very sexual so thats a plus as well i suppose. But you're get mental hassle from her.

Interesting statement there. What the heck makes you say that?

I have a genital piercing and I don't see it as mutilation. I'm not disfiguring myself by doing it. I really like the look of my piercing, it is discrete, cute and could easily be removed and fully heal. Mutilation implies doing permanent or irreparable damage, which is definitely not the case.

As for the diagnosis of mental problems...make assumptions much? You cannot generalise that every female with a genital piercing will give you 'mental hassle'. How about if I say all men with brown hair will cheat on you. All smokers are mentally unstable. Of course these are ridiculous statements, as is yours.

Everyone I have had sexual contact with since having my piercing has either found it hot, or not really noticed it. It won't negatively affect you that this girl has a piercing. In fact it can be the case that it helps enhance sexual which case she's making your job easier!