The Student Room Group

Intensive Care

Hey - I'm just looking for advice. Has anyone ever had to cope with their boyfriend or very close friend being in a coma in intensive care. I just wondered what it's like - is it scary/overwhelming? What should I do when I'm there - can I touch them/talk to them? How did you cope with your emotions and how did you feel?

Of course people may find this too personal to talk about and if this is the case then I'm very sorry but any advice would be really appreciated.

Thanks xxxxxx
Reply 1
was about to say check your inbox, but i can't pm you can i

pm me...
Reply 2
My father was in intensive care and in a coma when I was 9/10. I never got to see him, but from what my mother has recounted, he could hear her so you can definitely speak. I don't see why you shouldn't be able to touch the person, unless the nurses say so I suppose.

When my grandmother was dying, I stayed at her bedside the entire time. I talked to her, and though I completely freaked out when I first saw her (cried hysterically!), I am glad I was there, and hopefully she gained some comfort from it. It will be difficult for you, I'm sure, but you might find that it can help you 'process' what has happened. I was initially too scared to even go near my grandma, but eventually did, and it helped me overcome her later death, because I knew I had done everything I could. I hope this makes sense?

Take care :smile: *Hugs*

Reply 3
I'm really not sure, I've never been in that circumstance and I thank my lucky stars I haven't. From what I've gheard you can speak to them, and they can hear you in a subconcious state. Also you can touch them and maybe hold their hand, it may well be comforting.