The Student Room Group

Weird Lump...

Ok, so basically i've just noticed this weird kind of lump in my throat. I'm a guy and its just above the bit that sticks out in the middle (around a thumb length) and slightly to the right. Theres just the one, and around the size of a pea. Is this normal for guys?

Also, for a few months now, i've noticed a second one on my right testicle, not actually ON the ball itself, but seemingly attactched to the tubing. Again, it doesnt feel like theres one on the left one. This one is slightly smaller, but hasnt grown in the 6 month or so that i've noticed it (that i can tell anyway)

Do any other guys have these sorts of things? Normal occurance or more.... I'm probally just being a hypochondriac, but thought I might ask!

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Reply 1
i'm not a guy but see your gp,just to make sure it isn't any sort of cancer on your throat or balls. because cancers spread...but i can't give you a medical opinion so best see your gp.
See your gp!
Reply 3
I would definitely see your gp o_O I had a similar thing in my earlobe at one time and I suspect it was just fluid build-up, but you never know, and you have to be extra careful when it involves sensitive bits!

Good luck, hope it's nothing.

Reply 4
See your gp!

I've thought about that, its just I dont actually have a GP! (at least one i can just see like that, cant get there very easily!) Is it possible to make appointments with small community hospitals/health clinics? Would this cost anything?
See your GP. I have a similar lump on my left testicle, but it's nothing more than a varicocele. Basically they're the same as a varicose vein, a dodgy valve in one of your veins causing a small pocket of blood you can feel. Still, get your GP to check it out.
I've thought about that, its just I dont actually have a GP! (at least one i can just see like that, cant get there very easily!) Is it possible to make appointments with small community hospitals/health clinics? Would this cost anything?

Yes and no it wouldn't.
yip go to the gp, i had a similar thing on my testical and it was scanned but was just a cycst. These sound like cyst's as well but better to be safe than sorry...
Reply 8
I've thought about that, its just I dont actually have a GP! (at least one i can just see like that, cant get there very easily!) Is it possible to make appointments with small community hospitals/health clinics? Would this cost anything?

Reply 9
I've thought about that, its just I dont actually have a GP! (at least one i can just see like that, cant get there very easily!) Is it possible to make appointments with small community hospitals/health clinics? Would this cost anything?

Hospitals won't deal with that sort of thing unless it's come via a GP referral. I'm not quite sure what you mean by a health clinic?

I know everyone is very quick to jump to the "OMG it mite b cancer!!!1" conclusion, but this really isn't the case. Worth getting checked out, but probably nothing to be worried about.
Reply 10
"OMG it mite b cancer!!!1"

Yeah, i guess so. My mate went through that though, so it does get a bit worrying!

Well thanks a lot everyone! Guess i'll just try and get up the courage to see the local place where i go to school! :hugs: to everyone
Reply 11
My Dad found a lump like this, went to his doctor, it was begnign, but they told him if he had left it much longer, it would have turned cancerous. He is having an operation to remove it next week.
Don't worry about seeing a doc. It's their job! And there's no need to be ashamed b, no-one will hold it against you :smile:
Reply 13
My Dad found a lump like this, went to his doctor, it was begnign, but they told him if he had left it much longer, it would have turned cancerous. He is having an operation to remove it next week.

Sorry to hear that... hope he turns out alright!
Ok, so basically i've just noticed this weird kind of lump in my throat. I'm a guy and its just above the bit that sticks out in the middle (around a thumb length) and slightly to the right. Theres just the one, and around the size of a pea. Is this normal for guys?

I have EXACTLY the same thing. My dentist told me it was some kind of build-up and hardening of phlegm, and that it would go away if I drank plenty of water. I think that was complete and utter ********, and it hasn't gone away. It doesn't seem to be DOING much, though.
Reply 15
Does it feel if its outside or inside the actual trachea?
I had a lump for years, it would often come and go and sometimes it hurt especially around my stomach area. I never went to the doctor about it. Then one day it pretty much just disappeared, after all those years it just went. I went to the doctor and he had a feel (nothing to find as it had gone) he said it was nothing to worry about - but i still wonder....
Reply 17
I got a lump on my throat, not visible but it's there.

Doctor said it's swollen gland or something.
I agree with everyone else see you're GP its's probably nothing don't worry :smile:
Reply 19
Sorry to hear that... hope he turns out alright!

Thanks :smile: