The Student Room Group

Valentines Day 2006:Discussion [temporarily sticky so we keep it all in one place]

Hello there, lovers, singles, broken-hearteds, etc.:smile:
Got any plans at all this coming 14th February?
Anyone who just can't be bothered to do anything on this day?
How does your school/college/sixth form/uni spend Valentines day?
Unfortunately, in my sixth form, we don't have lessons on Valentines Day 'coz its half-term. **sighs**
Share your thoughts:p:

"Ouch, stop poking me with your arrow...sCupid!" LOL:rolleyes:

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Reply 1
Will probably send flowers to some girl I was with but who's now with someone else: it's not even a romantic gesture. It's more to piss her off and make her feel bad for being with some other guy who is nowhere near as good as me :cool:
Not a bad idea..wish we could do that in our sixth form too...
Yeah!! im going to stay with my b/f for two nights and amonst other things we're gonna see final destination 3, nothing like sum mindless cheap thrills on valentines day ;P
Reply 4
Valentines day is rubbish. I don't have any admirers, and even if I did they wouldn't be brave enough to reveal themselves, I recently(ish) broke up with my boyfriend, the whole thing's a con anyway... Our hall are having a formal dinner and party which I'll most likely be spending with my girlfriends!

I am first going to have to find a present for my boyfriend! On actual Valentine's Day I doubt we will do any thing except stay in because we are both skint!!!

Any excuse for a nice night in :wink:
I've got an interview on Valentine's Day....just call me Romeo.
I imagine I'll be doing the same thing I do every Tuesday......lecture in the morning, work in the afternoon, rehearsal in the evening. :rolleyes:
Despite having a lovely boyfriend, it's looking like I'll have to spend it on my own - he might have to work on a door somewhere in Scotland, and anyway I'll be in the throes of a double essay crisis! Not fair! :mad: Though I suppose on that front I have only myself to blame....We're thinking of having him come down a couple of days later when my crisis will be over, and having our own 'Valentines day' then instead!
My school would usually organise this thing where you can post Valentine's day cards annonymously and the deliver them around the school but we aren't in school because it's half-term. Doesn't matter anyway I personally object to Valentine's day it's not even a proper holiday it's purely commercial your partner shouldn't need a specific day to see how much you love them you should be telling them that all the time.
Reply 10
Yeah, I'll be in lectures and will try to ignore any morons who decide that they have to show their affection for their partner by snogging in the street. Get a room for heaven's sake.
Reply 11
Lol, it's always single people who say it's a con and a load of rubbish. But, I'd say it too, if I was single :\
I'm in work :frown: in the nights, prob just go to the cinema or something. nothing great. Valentines Day is just a con really :smile:
Reply 13
This year's my first Valentine's Day where I'm not single! So I'm really looking forward to it. As far as I know, my boyfriend is gonna be working during the day but I have no idea what we're gonna be doing in the evening. I ordered all his presents, just waiting for them to get here now. He knows what 2 of them are though, the third one is a surprise.
Reply 14
I, too, have an interview on Valentine's Day ... I scheduled though it so I'm not complaining (except that it's my first meeting with my college advisor so I'm a bit scared). My school doesn't do much on Valentine's Day. Some years people write cards and buy chocolates from one of the school clubs and then kids from the club run around the school all day delivering them in the middle of classes.
Reply 15
I don't know what I'll be doing Valentines Day, I hope I will be spending it with *someone* but its far from a certainty :frown:
Reply 16
My relationship is long-distance so my boyfriend and I have sent each other presents and cards, ready to be opened on the day. We'll probably open them in the morning and then speak on the phone at night...same as last year. Maybe next year we'll actually get to spend Valentine's together.
shouldn't this be in GD? I'm gonna spend it cuddling up to my bf hopefully :biggrin: If we get to see each other that is...
I wont get to see my boyfriend :frown: for the 1st yr in 4 yrs sniff, cus were at different unis. But i am going up friday for the weekend to make up for it, going to the cinemas maybe for some chinese food...then spend the rest of it cuddled up :biggrin::biggrin:
Hopefully!!! I will be at Uni with my bf...But he has decided that it will probably be a "lovely" idea if I go to lectures with him tooo....Dear oh dear! But that's only the morning and the rest is a big (*)secret(*)! Yay! Hehe!

Any present ideas for guys?! I'm going with photoframe, homemade cookies and a little boook I made...Would guys like that?!