The Student Room Group
I can't use the exam board websites, I'm pathetic :smile:

Can anyone tell me how I can find out what the dates are by which the following courseworks have to be in: AQA A2 English Literature A; Edexcel A2 History; OCR A2 French?

Pretty please?? :smile:

AQA English Literature A is about May 16. So is OCR Music (that doesn't help you though!) so I'm assuming they'll all be about then.
Reply 2
Lol! I think I've written this about 3 times in as many days:

What matters to you is almost certainly NOT the board's deadline. What matters is your college's Examinations Officer's deadline. S'he's the one who submits all the info, and his/her deadline will of course be before the board's, because of the HUGE amount of paperwork and faffage.

The Ex-Officer's deadline could be op to 2 months before the board's, so do check with him/her.
Lol! I think I've written this about 3 times in as many days:

What matters to you is almost certainly NOT the board's deadline. What matters is your college's Examinations Officer's deadline. S'he's the one who submits all the info, and his/her deadline will of course be before the board's, because of the HUGE amount of paperwork and faffage.

The Ex-Officer's deadline could be op to 2 months before the board's, so do check with him/her.

Damn I bet our deadlines are HORRIBLE then. My French teacher wants the coursework in the week after half term; I haven't researched yet :eek: She's getting annoyed and shouting at me :frown: gah the joys of A levels.

Thanks for the help :smile:!