You're 17, have been together a year, haven't kissed properly, have given up masturbation for her and have now taken to secretly smelling socks? (alliteration, for effect.)
It's natural to masturbate, the majority of people do it. Heck, I bet she does, even though saying she doesn't. Perhaps some of your feelings are stemming from built up frustration from not... "releasing", shall we say. I think that's probably something to deal with first... And with regards to snooping around your girlfriend's laundry, you probably shouldn't be doing stuff in secret. If she found out she's likely to consider you rather perverted and weird... If you have a fetish, talk to her openly about it, instead of hiding it and relieving it with dirty socks. To be quite honest, if she doesn't accept you for who you are and what you like, then she probably isn't the girl for you. Just a few things to think about.