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Reply 1
How old are you?
you a girl or a guy...everyone has watched porn at sometime in their lives...its normal natural behaviour
Reply 3
How old are you?

19, was 18 when they started objecting.
Reply 4
Everyone (male and blatantly female too) looks at porn.

You're old enough to watch porn lol
I was in the same situation my parents told my relatives who suggested putting a lock on the pc.. impossible really but hey.. and im a girl.
Think your parents and aunt need to update their brains to life in the 21st century.
My dad has more porn than me so doesn't give a damn. Fortunately my mum has never caught me on porn so i'm not sure how she would react. Depends I suppose on whether I was knocking one out at the same time.
Just download it... or do as Multi suggested.
Reply 9
Meh, who cares?? Your old enough, as long as it is legal they can't really complain if its not a shared computer.
Reply 10
Are your parents prudish?
Reply 11
To be honest my mum sends and recieves quite a few rude jokes on her mobile shes even shown me, yet people object to me having it cause they say they allowed me to have the internet for studying/uni.
Reply 12
Okay, first things first: Is it bad? No. Some can be - some sites treat their models badly, i'm sure. Some pornography is created at serious harm to the individuals involved... not the stuff you want to be looking at. However there is nothing wrong with looking at pictures of naked people.

Secondly, their reaction. It's as natural as your urge to view pornography, I assure you. It's them just being protective - different parents vary in how protective they are. Remember: dirty magazines have been hidden under matresses for decades. Perhaps our prudish society encourages parents to react disproportionately when they find out about their child has been viewing sexual material. Partly I am sure they are getting worried that you are growing up :smile:.

A lot of it is just not knowing what to do -
put yourself in their shoes: What would you found out your child had been viewing sexually explicit material, assuming that your child knows you know. Would it be instilling the wrong morals to turn a blind eye? It certainly wouldn't be encouraging them to act as society dictates. Could you face a discussion about it? Most parents are afraid of the dreaded 'talk', im sure. So opting for a big explosion over it is a way of the parent hiding their own feelings. :smile:

Finally, are they right in banning you from the internet? (Locking/removing it) No. You are going to find other sexual material - all you have to do is watch evening TV. Even if they prevent your access to material, you still have your imagination which is probably fairly adaquate to indulge yourself. :tongue:

Assuming they aren't going to go ahead with lock down, there are a few ways of avoiding being caught. I do not feel this is the place to help you directly, but simply if you intend to look at porn on the web, be cautious. Oh... and research "Ghostzilla". I'll say no more.

Perhaps you need to cut them some slack? Oldies are often scared of the big wide web :wink:
Reply 13
There's seriously nothing wrong with it, lol, my family take a whole different approach to it, my uncle bought me a load of porn mags for my 16th birthday, along with other things and had to open it in front of my entire family. It is rather crude stuff, but no one in innocent..
oh......threads been edited.
oh......threads been edited.

Haha, yeh. This was one of the funniest threads i've read in a while too.
Reply 16
oh noes! so many brilliant posts lost to the system
Reply 17
oh noes! so many brilliant posts lost to the system

*please don't ban me!
oh noes! so many brilliant posts lost to the system

Such is life, not the first time we have been silenced. They won't let us start up a thread about it either.
Reply 19
I feel I have much to learn in this mysterious world O_O