The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Doesn't sound normal.

You might need a stronger prescription in your glasses. Go see your optician as soon as.
Really, I thought I might need to get a weaker prescription
Reply 3
You'd need a stronger one. Unless you feel dizzy when you look through your glasses, in which case, you might want to go for a weaker prescription.
My eyes have weakened considerably since I started wearing them and I feel dizzy sometimes.
Reply 5
That's very odd...They may weaken, but you're not supposed to get dizzy. Perhaps the dizziness is from another source?
I'm only supposed to wear them for TV etc however I just got so used to them that I wear them for quite a bit. Also my eyes feel very tired when I take them off.
Reply 7
I've been wearing glasses all the time for about 2 years now and my eyes *still* feel tired when I take mine off and water a bit...
Reply 8
My eyesight has deteriorated over time from wearing glasses. It has come to a point where i cannot bear it without them!!!

Will end up blind soon enough!
What everyone has said sounds pretty much like the advice I'd give.... but also, your eyes may be hurting from lack of sleep and over straining themselves? This happens to me, anyway! Hope you get it sorted soon. :smile:
Reply 10
How long have you been wearing the glasses for? And what lenses do you have? It can take upto 2 weeks for your eyes to adjust to lenses, maybe more if you have bifocal or varifocal. If you are worried pop back and get them double checked
For about a year now i'm 18. The first time I went the optician gave me strong lenses and I quickly got rid of them. Yesterday he said my left eye had weakened going from -1.25 to -1.75 and my right eye -3.75 to -4.50.

Is this normal?