The Student Room Group
Reply 1
For all those who, like me, are supposed to be working! I've only just started it so don't know if it's any good :smile: -

Loved MOTAS, if this is any simialr, then I'm playing
Reply 2
Loved MOTAS, if this is any simialr, then I'm playing

I'm stuck already! :rolleyes: Seems like this is gona be very similar to MOTAS!
Reply 3
Aargh! All you wicked people on half term posting addictive games... I'm supposed to be working and I spent all afternoon on these! :eek: It was fun though... :biggrin:
Reply 4
For all those who, like me, are supposed to be working! I've only just started it so don't know if it's any good :smile: -

These games are great! Thanks for the link! So much for the revision i was supposed to be doing.
Reply 5
Aargh! All you wicked people on half term posting addictive games... I'm supposed to be working and I spent all afternoon on these! :eek: It was fun though... :biggrin:

Have u already played this one? It's flippin confusing!
Reply 6
Completed it, its more complex than MOTAS but only have about 2-3 real hard problems to solve.
Completed it, its more complex than MOTAS but only have about 2-3 real hard problems to solve.

2776, sorry, but i'll have to remove you from my sig now as it's elpaw's turn to go in.

Reply 8
Hmm the platypus one i found quite challenging. One reason being i wasn't sure exactly what to do and the other is that the controls i wasn't very used to
Reply 9
Has anyone ever played the "Hugo" series - (it's ancient!)